Math & Stat


MAT1400 Calculs [Class notes UdeM Winter 2020(in French) with Anne Bourlioux]

Chapitre 1: Chapitre 1.pdf Chapitre 2: Chapitre 2.pdf Chapitre 3 & Annexe: Annexe & Chapitre3.pdf
Chapitre 4: Chapitre 4.pdf Chapitre 5: Chapitre 5.pdf Chapitre 6 & 7: Chapitre 6 & 7.pdf

CS 229 Probability Review

cs229-prob.pdf cs229-gaussians.pdf cs229-more-on-gaussians.pdf

CS229 Linear Algebra Review and Reference



STT1700 Introduction to Statistics

Chapiter 1: stt1700-ch01.pdf Chapiter 2: stt1700-ch02.pdf Chapiter 3: stt1700-ch03.pdf
Chapiter 4: stt1700-ch04.pdf Chapiter 5: stt1700-ch05.pdf Chapiter 6: stt1700-ch06.pdf
Chapiter 7: stt1700-ch07.pdf Chapiter 8: stt1700-ch08.pdf Chapiter 9: stt1700-ch09.pdf
Chapiter 10: stt1700-ch10.pdf cheatsheet: proba_stat_cheetsheet.pdf

STT2400 Linear Regression [Class notes UdeM Summer 2021(in English) with Melchior Basanze]

Chapiter 1: stt2400-ch01.pdf Chapiter 2: stt2400-ch02.pdf Chapiter 3: stt2400-ch03.pdf
Chapiter 4: stt2400-ch04.pdf Chapiter 5: stt2400-ch05.pdf Chapiter 6: stt2400-ch06.pdf
Chapiter 7: stt2400-ch07.pdf Chapiter 8: stt2400-ch08.pdf Chapiter 9: stt2400-ch09.pdf
Chapiter 10: stt2400-ch10.pdf Chapiter 11: stt2400-ch11.pdf

STT2700 Statistical concepts and methods[in French] with Kamel Belbahri

Theorems and Formulas: STT2700.pdf Chapiter 1: STT2700-ch01.pdf Chapiter 2: STT2700-ch02.pdf
Chapiter 3: STT2700-ch03.pdf Chapiter 4: STT2700-ch04.pdf Chapiter 5: STT2700-ch05.pdf Chapiter 6: STT2700-ch06.pdf
Chapiter 7: STT2700-ch07.pdf Chapiter 8: STT2700-ch08.pdf Chapiter 9: STT2700-ch09.pdf

*Math&Stat Cheatsheet

Probability cheatsheet made by Peleg Michaeli: cheetsheet-PelegMichaeli (Reference)
Probability cheatsheet made by William Chen: cheatsheet-WillChen (Reference)

Supervised Learning

CS229 Supervised Learning notes: supervised-learning.pdf
Machine Learning Model Review: Machine Learning models review

Linear Regression

scikit-learn user guide: Linear Regression scikit-learn API: Linear Regression
Machine Learning Coursera (Andrew Ng): Ex1 Linear Regression
Machine Learning Coursera (Andrew Ng): Ex5 Bias Vs Variance

Movie Recommendation

Reference: Machine Learning Coursera (Andrew Ng) Ex8
Code: ex8_MovieRecommendation.html

Logistic Regression

scikit-learn user guide: Logistic Regression scikit-learn API: Logistic Regression
Machine Learning Coursera (Andrew Ng): Ex2 Logistic Regression
Machine Learning Coursera (Andrew Ng): Ex3 Multiclass Classification
Logistic Regression from scratch: sample code with sigmoid and softmax as activation function


scikit-learn user guide: SVM scikit-learn API: SVM scikit-learn Tips on Practical Use: SVM
scikit-learn Kernal functions: SVM Kernal functions
SVM Mathematical formulation: SVM-Mathematical-formulation.pdf
CS229 SVM notes: CS229-SVM.pdf


scikit-learn user guide: SVC
scikit-learn API: Linear Support Vector Classification: LinearSVC C-Support Vector Classification: SVC
Machine Learning Coursera (Andrew Ng): Ex6 SVM ( reference )
Machine Learning Coursera (Andrew Ng): Ex6 E-Mail Spam Classification Filter ( Code made by kaleko: reference )

Implement Kernal SVM from scratch

Reference: Devoir 1 STT3795 @UdeM avec Guy Wolf [in French]
Code: Implement_Kernal_SVM_from_scratch.html
Explanation: explanation.pdf


scikit-learn user guide: SVR
scikit-learn API: Linear Support Vector Regression: LinearSVR Epsilon-Support Vector Regression: SVR

Naive Bayes

scikit-learn user guide: Naive Bayes scikit-learn API: sklearn.naive_bayes
CS229 Naive Bayes notes: naive-bayes.pdf

Beyasian Network

Decision Tree

scikit-learn user guide: Decision Trees scikit-learn API: sklearn.tree: Decision Trees
CS 229 Decision Tree notes: decision-tree.pdf

Random Forest

scikit-learn user guide: Ensemble methods , Random Forest
scikit-learn API: sklearn.ensemble: Ensemble Method , Random Forest Classifier , Random Forest Regressor
Random Forest Hyperparameter tuning example: sample code

Nearest Neighbors

scikit-learn user guide: Nearest Neighbors , scikit-learn API: sklearn.neighbors: Nearest Neighbors , KNeighborsClassifier , KNeighborsRegressor
Imputation for completing missing values using k-Nearest Neighbors: sklearn.impute.KNNImputer
KNN Hyperparameter tuning and model comparison example: sample code

Unsupervised Learning



scikit-learn user guide: Principal component analysis (PCA) , scikit-learn API: sklearn.decomposition.PCA
CS 229 Principal component analysis (PCA) notes: pca.pdf
Machine Learning Coursera (Andrew Ng): Ex7 PCA
PCA in finance: PCA Eigen Portfolio , Absoption Ratio via PCA ( Reference )
CS 229 Independent Components Analysis (ICA) notes: ica.pdf


scikit-learn user guide: Clustering , scikit-learn API: sklearn.cluster: Clustering


scikit-learn user guide: K-Means , scikit-learn API: sklearn.cluster.KMeans
Machine Learning Coursera (Andrew Ng): Ex7 K-means
CS229 K-means notes: Kmeans.pdf


scikit-learn user guide: DBScan , scikit-learn API: sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN


scikit-learn - Comparing different hierarchical linkage methods on toy datasets: hierarchical linkage methods
SciPy API: scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage


scikit-learn user guide: BIRCH , scikit-learn API: sklearn.cluster.Birch

Manifold Learning

scikit-learn user guide: Manifold learning , scikit-learn API: sklearn.manifold: Manifold Learning

MDS & Isomap

scikit-learn user guide: Isomap , Multi-dimensional Scaling (MDS)
scikit-learn API: sklearn.manifold.Isomap sklearn.manifold.MDS

Python visualisation exercice with MDS and Isomap

Reference: Devoir 2 STT3795 @UdeM avec Guy Wolf [in French]
Code: MDS_Isomap_Ex.html

Mixtures of Gaussians and the EM algorithm

CS229 GMM & EM notes:
GMM-EM-1.pdf, GMM-EM-2.pdf, GMM-EM-Factor-Analysis.pdf


CS 229 Boosting notes: boosting.pdf


scikit-learn user guide: AdaBoost
scikit-learn API: AdaBoost Classifier , AdaBoost Regressor
Adaboost Hyperparameter Tuning example: sample code

Gradient Tree Boosting

scikit-learn user guide: Gradient Tree Boosting
scikit-learn API: Gradient Boosting Classifier , Gradient Boosting Regressor


LightGBM Documentation: LightGBM
LightGBM Hyperparameter Tuning example: sample code


XGBoost Documentation: XGBoost
XGBoost Hyperparameter Tuning example: sample code


scikit-learn user guide: voting classifier , voting regressor
scikit-learn API: voting classifier , voting regressor
harding voting: sample code
soft voting: sample code


scikit-learn user guide: Stacking
scikit-learn API: Stacking Classifier , scikit-learn API: Stacking Regressor
Stacking: sample code

Neural Network

CS229 Deep Learning Intro notes: CS229-dl-intro.pdf
CS229 Deep Learning notes: CS229-dl.pdf
Build a basic deep learning network(Coursera, Andrew Ng): Building your Deep Neural Network.html

Forword Propagation

Machine Learning Coursera (Andrew Ng): Ex3 Neural Networks Forward Propagation
Deep Learning Coursera (Andrew Ng):
Forward Propagation

Back Propagation

Machine Learning Coursera (Andrew Ng): Ex4 Neural Networks Back Propagation
Deep Learning Coursera (Andrew Ng):
Backward Propagation
Backward-illustruation Backward


Build CNN model step by step (Coursera, Andrew Ng): cnn.html
CNN model application (Coursera, Andrew Ng): cnn application.html
CNN example for crop land detection from remote sensing data: my code for kaggle competition



Build RNN and LSTM model step by step (Coursera, Andrew Ng): rnn and lstm.html
LSTM and bi-LSTM example for crop land detection from remote sensing data my code for kaggle competition


Advanced Topics

Natural Language Processing

Kaggle Sentiment Analysis Tweets

NLP with BERT (Hugging Face Transformers) , NLP with LSTM , NLP with AutoGluon

Self-Supervised Learning

CS 229 Self Supervision: self-supervision.pdf

Reinforcement Learning

CS 229 Reinforcement Learning notes: reinforcement-learning.pdf

Reinforcement Learning in finance

Notes and codes
1. Discrete Black Scholes
2. QLBS Model Implementation
3. Fitted Q Iteration
Reference: Reinforcement Learning in Finance and Overview of Advanced Methods of Reinforcement Learning in Finance


Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-learn

Basic Pandas

Exercice1, Exercice2, Exercice3, Exercice4, Exercice5

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Visualisation

Using Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for categorical feature selection: code
Using correlation matrix (Heatmap) to see all the numerical correlation between features: code

Model Selection in general

CS229 notes: Bias-Variance, Error-Analysis, Metrics, Regularization
Machine Learning Coursera (Andrew Ng): Ex8 Anomaly Detection
Scikit-learn User Guide:
Cross-validation: evaluating estimator performance
Tuning the hyper-parameters of an estimator
Metrics and scoring: quantifying the quality of predictions
Validation curves: plotting scores to evaluate models

Feature engineering / Feature selection

Hyperparameter tuning

Plot Learning Curve

Metric and Scoring

Accuracy, F1, AOC/ROC comparison (in Chinese)

Data Preprocessing

Deal with imbalanced data

Application in finance

Portfolio Construction (Introduction to Portfolio Construction and Analysis with Python)
Advanced Portfolio Construction (Advanced Portfolio Construction and Analysis with Python)
Machine Learning For Asset Management (Python and Machine Learning for Asset Management)


CS224N Pytorch Tutorial
PyTorch CNN for MNIST (reference)
PyTorch RNN and LSTM for MNIST (reference)

MLOps with TensorFlow

FastAPI: Deploy a deep learning model
Journey through data: Birds, Cats and Dogs
Data Labeling
TFDV Exercice
Simple Feature Engineering
Feature Engineering Pipeline
Feature Selection
ML Metadata
Iterative Schema
Feature Engineering with Weather Data
Feature Engineering with Accelerometer Data
Feature Engineering with Images
Keras Tuner
TFX Tuner and Trainer
Classify Images of Clouds in the Cloud with AutoML Images
Manual Dimensionality
Algorithmic Dimensionality
Quantization and Pruning
Distributed Training
Knowledge Distillation
Distributed Multi-worker TensorFlow Training on Kubernetes
TensorFlow Model Analysis
TFX Evaluator
Fairness Indicators
Identifying Bias in Mortgage Data using Cloud AI Platform and the What-if Tool
Shapley Values
Permutation Feature Importance
Introduction Docker
TFS Docker
TF Serving
Autoscaling TensorFlow Model Deployments with TF Serving and Kubernetes
Apache Beam and Tensorflow
Implementing Canary Releases of TensorFlow Model Deployments with Kubernetes and Istio
Data Loss Prevention: Qwik Start - JSON
Kubeflow Pipelines
Architecture for MLOps using TFX, Kubeflow Pipelines, and Cloud Build
TFX on Google Cloud Vertex Pipelines