Eigen-portfolio construction using Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

PCA via sklearn.decomposition using S&P 500 Index stock data

Welcome to your 2-nd assignment in Unsupervised Machine Learning in Finance.

In this assignment we look in-depth at model-free factor analysis using PCA. By model-free we mean that we do not rely on any factors such as value or momentum to decompose portfolio returns, but instead using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to deduce structure of portfolio returns.

We work with S&P 500 index stock data.

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Part 1 (Asset Returns Calculation)


Calculate percent returns, also known as simple returns using asse_prices. assign the result to variable asset_returns. Keep only not-nan values in the resulting pandas.DataFrame

Calculate de-meaned returns and scale them by standard deviation $\sigma$. Assign result to normed_returns variable

We now compute stock returns and normalize stock returns data by subtracting the mean and dividing by standard diviation. This normalization is required by PCA.

Now we compute PCA using all available data. Once we do have PCA computed we fix variance explained at some number and see what is the smallest number of components needed to explain this variance.

Part 2 (PCA fitting)


Part 3 (Eigen-portfolios construction)


We now look a the first two eigen portfolios. We use definition of eigen portfolios as provided by Avellaneda http://math.nyu.edu/faculty/avellane/AvellanedaLeeStatArb20090616.pdf

Following Avellaneda we define eigen portfolio weights as: $$Q_i^{(j)} = \frac{v_i^{(j)}}{\sigma_i}$$

where $j$ is the index of eigen portfolio and $v_i$ is the i-th element of j-th eigen vector.

In the code the pca.components_ are the Principal axes in feature space, representing the directions of maximum variance in the data. The components are sorted by explainedvariance.

Hint: do not forget to normalize portfolio wieghts such they sum up to 1.

Assign pc_w to be weights of the first eigen portfolio.

We sort the first two eigen portfolio weights and plot the results.

Part 4 (Compute performance of several eigen portfolios)


We compute the annualized return, volatility, and Sharpe ratio of the first two eigen portfolios.

We repeat the exercise of computing Sharpe ratio for the first N portfolios and select portfolio with the highest postive Sharpe ratio.