# Reference: https://github.com/kaleko/CourseraML/tree/master/ex8
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.io as sio
import matplotlib
import scipy.optimize as opt
from google.colab import drive
Mounted at /content/drive
ex8data1 = sio.loadmat('/content/drive/My Drive/AndrewNg-ML/ex8data1.mat')
X = ex8data1['X']
ycv = ex8data1['yval']
Xcv = ex8data1['Xval']
# Visualize the data
def plotData(X, newFig=False):
if newFig:
plt.plot(X[:,0], X[:,1],'b+')
plt.xlabel('Latency [ms]',fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('Throughput [mb/s]',fontsize=16)
# multivariate Gaussian
def gaussian_distribution(X, mu, sig2): # sig2 = sigma^2
Function to compute the gaussian return values for a feature
matrix, myX, given the already computed mu vector and sigma matrix.
If sigma is a vector, it is turned into a diagonal matrix
Uses a loop over rows; I didn't quite figure out a vectorized implementation.
m = X.shape[0]
n = X.shape[1]
if np.ndim(sig2) == 1:
sig2 = np.diag(sig2)
norm = 1./(np.power((2*np.pi), n/2) * np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(sig2)))
inv = np.linalg.inv(sig2)
exp = np.zeros((m,1))
for irow in range(m):
xrow = X[irow]
exp[irow] = np.exp(-0.5*((xrow-mu).T).dot(inv).dot(xrow-mu))
return norm*exp
def getGaussianParams(X, useMultivariate = True):
Function that given a feature matrix X that is (m x n)
returns a mean vector and a sigmasquared vector that are
both (n x 1) in shape.
This can do it either as a 1D gaussian for each feature,
or as a multivariate gaussian.
m = X.shape[0]
mu = np.mean(X, axis=0)
if not useMultivariate:
sigma2 = np.sum(np.square(X-mu),axis=0)/float(m)
return mu, sigma2
sigma2 = ((X-mu).T.dot(X-mu))/float(m)
return mu, sigma2
mu, sig2 = getGaussianParams(X, useMultivariate = True)
def plotContours(mu, sigma2, newFig=False, useMultivariate = True):
delta = .5
x = np.arange(0,30,delta)
y = np.arange(0,30,delta)
meshx, meshy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
coord_list = [ entry.ravel() for entry in (meshx, meshy) ]
points = np.vstack(coord_list).T
z = gaussian_distribution(points, mu, sigma2)
#if not useMultivariate:
# z = gausOrthog(points, mu, sigma2)
#else: z = gausMV(points, mu, sigma2)
z = z.reshape((x.shape[0],x.shape[0]))
if newFig: plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
cont_levels = [10**exp for exp in range(-20,0,3)]
contour = plt.contour(meshx, meshy, z, levels=cont_levels)
plt.title('Gaussian Contours',fontsize=16)
# First contours without using multivariate gaussian:
plotData(X, newFig=True)
useMV = False
plotContours(*getGaussianParams(X, useMV), newFig=False, useMultivariate = useMV)
# Then contours with multivariate gaussian:
plotData(X, newFig=True)
useMV = True
plotContours(*getGaussianParams(X, useMV), newFig=False, useMultivariate = useMV)
def computeF1(predVec, trueVec):
F1 = 2 * (P*R)/(P+R)
where P is precision, R is recall
Precision = "of all predicted y=1, what fraction had true y=1"
Recall = "of all true y=1, what fraction predicted y=1?
Note predictionVec and trueLabelVec should be boolean vectors.
#print predVec.shape
#print trueVec.shape
#assert predVec.shape == trueVec.shape
P, R = 0., 0.
if float(np.sum(predVec)):
P = np.sum([int(trueVec[x]) for x in range(predVec.shape[0]) \
if predVec[x]]) / float(np.sum(predVec))
if float(np.sum(trueVec)):
R = np.sum([int(predVec[x]) for x in range(trueVec.shape[0]) \
if trueVec[x]]) / float(np.sum(trueVec))
return 2*P*R/(P+R) if (P+R) else 0
def selectThreshold(ycv, pCVs):
Function to select the best epsilon value from the CV set
by looping over possible epsilon values and computing the F1
score for each.
# Make a list of possible epsilon values
nsteps = 1000
epses = np.linspace(np.min(pCVs),np.max(pCVs),nsteps)
# Compute the F1 score for each epsilon value, and store the best
# F1 score (and corresponding best epsilon)
bestF1, bestEps = 0, 0
trueVec = (ycv == 1).flatten()
for eps in epses:
predVec = pCVs < eps
thisF1 = computeF1(predVec, trueVec)
if thisF1 > bestF1:
bestF1 = thisF1
bestEps = eps
print ("Best F1 is , best eps is: ")
print (bestF1,bestEps)
return bestF1, bestEps
# Using the gaussian parameters from the full training set,
# figure out the p-value for each point in the CV set
pCVs = gaussian_distribution(Xcv, mu, sig2)
#You should see a value for epsilon of about 8.99e-05.
bestF1, bestEps = selectThreshold(ycv,pCVs)
Best F1 is , best eps is: 0.8750000000000001 9.074844572965702e-05
def plotAnomalies(X, bestEps, newFig = False, useMultivariate = True):
ps = gaussian_distribution(X, *getGaussianParams(X, useMultivariate))
anoms = np.array([X[x] for x in range(X.shape[0]) if ps[x] < bestEps])
if newFig: plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
plt.scatter(anoms[:,0],anoms[:,1], s=80, facecolors='none', edgecolors='r')
plotData(X, newFig=True)
plotContours(mu, sig2, newFig=False, useMultivariate=True)
plotAnomalies(X, bestEps, newFig=False, useMultivariate=True)
ex8data2 = sio.loadmat('/content/drive/My Drive/AndrewNg-ML/ex8data2.mat')
Xpart2 = ex8data2['X']
ycvpart2 = ex8data2['yval']
Xcvpart2 = ex8data2['Xval']
mu, sig2 = getGaussianParams(Xpart2, useMultivariate=False)
ps = gaussian_distribution(Xpart2, mu, sig2)
psCV = gaussian_distribution(Xcvpart2, mu, sig2)
# Using the gaussian parameters from the full training set,
# figure out the p-value for each point in the CV set
pCVs = gaussian_distribution(Xcvpart2, mu, sig2)
# You should see a value epsilon of about 1.38e-18, and 117 anomalies found.
bestF1, bestEps = selectThreshold(ycvpart2, pCVs)
anoms = [Xpart2[x] for x in range(Xpart2.shape[0]) if ps[x] < bestEps]
print ('# of anomalies found: ')
print (len(anoms))
Best F1 is , best eps is: 0.6153846153846154 1.3786074982000245e-18 # of anomalies found: 117