The QLBS model for a European option

Welcome to your 2nd assignment in Reinforcement Learning in Finance. In this exercise you will arrive to an option price and the hedging portfolio via standard toolkit of Dynamic Pogramming (DP). QLBS model learns both the optimal option price and optimal hedge directly from trading data.


After this assignment you will:

Let's get started!

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iPython Notebooks are interactive coding environments embedded in a webpage. You will be using iPython notebooks in this class. You only need to write code between the ### START CODE HERE ### and ### END CODE HERE ### comments. After writing your code, you can run the cell by either pressing "SHIFT"+"ENTER" or by clicking on "Run Cell" (denoted by a play symbol) in the upper bar of the notebook.

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Parameters for MC simulation of stock prices

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Black-Sholes Simulation

Simulate $N_{MC}$ stock price sample paths with $T$ steps by the classical Black-Sholes formula.

$$dS_t=\mu S_tdt+\sigma S_tdW_t\quad\quad S_{t+1}=S_te^{\left(\mu-\frac{1}{2}\sigma^2\right)\Delta t+\sigma\sqrt{\Delta t}Z}$$

where $Z$ is a standard normal random variable.

Based on simulated stock price $S_t$ paths, compute state variable $X_t$ by the following relation.

$$X_t=-\left(\mu-\frac{1}{2}\sigma^2\right)t\Delta t+\log S_t$$

Also compute

$$\Delta S_t=S_{t+1}-e^{r\Delta t}S_t\quad\quad \Delta\hat{S}_t=\Delta S_t-\Delta\bar{S}_t\quad\quad t=0,...,T-1$$

where $\Delta\bar{S}_t$ is the sample mean of all values of $\Delta S_t$.

Plots of 5 stock price $S_t$ and state variable $X_t$ paths are shown below.

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Define function terminal_payoff to compute the terminal payoff of a European put option.


Define spline basis functions

Make data matrices with feature values

"Features" here are the values of basis functions at data points The outputs are 3D arrays of dimensions num_tSteps x num_MC x num_basis

Dynamic Programming solution for QLBS

The MDP problem in this case is to solve the following Bellman optimality equation for the action-value function.

$$Q_t^\star\left(x,a\right)=\mathbb{E}_t\left[R_t\left(X_t,a_t,X_{t+1}\right)+\gamma\max_{a_{t+1}\in\mathcal{A}}Q_{t+1}^\star\left(X_{t+1},a_{t+1}\right)\space|\space X_t=x,a_t=a\right],\space\space t=0,...,T-1,\quad\gamma=e^{-r\Delta t}$$

where $R_t\left(X_t,a_t,X_{t+1}\right)$ is the one-step time-dependent random reward and $a_t\left(X_t\right)$ is the action (hedge).

Detailed steps of solving this equation by Dynamic Programming are illustrated below.

With this set of basis functions $\left\{\Phi_n\left(X_t^k\right)\right\}_{n=1}^N$, expand the optimal action (hedge) $a_t^\star\left(X_t\right)$ and optimal Q-function $Q_t^\star\left(X_t,a_t^\star\right)$ in basis functions with time-dependent coefficients. $$a_t^\star\left(X_t\right)=\sum_n^N{\phi_{nt}\Phi_n\left(X_t\right)}\quad\quad Q_t^\star\left(X_t,a_t^\star\right)=\sum_n^N{\omega_{nt}\Phi_n\left(X_t\right)}$$

Coefficients $\phi_{nt}$ and $\omega_{nt}$ are computed recursively backward in time for $t=T−1,...,0$.

Coefficients for expansions of the optimal action $a_t^\star\left(X_t\right)$ are solved by

$$\phi_t=\mathbf A_t^{-1}\mathbf B_t$$

where $\mathbf A_t$ and $\mathbf B_t$ are matrix and vector respectively with elements given by

$$A_{nm}^{\left(t\right)}=\sum_{k=1}^{N_{MC}}{\Phi_n\left(X_t^k\right)\Phi_m\left(X_t^k\right)\left(\Delta\hat{S}_t^k\right)^2}\quad\quad B_n^{\left(t\right)}=\sum_{k=1}^{N_{MC}}{\Phi_n\left(X_t^k\right)\left[\hat\Pi_{t+1}^k\Delta\hat{S}_t^k+\frac{1}{2\gamma\lambda}\Delta S_t^k\right]}$$$$\Delta S_t=S_{t+1} - e^{-r\Delta t} S_t\space \quad t=T-1,...,0$$

where $\Delta\hat{S}_t$ is the sample mean of all values of $\Delta S_t$.

Define function function_A and function_B to compute the value of matrix $\mathbf A_t$ and vector $\mathbf B_t$.

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Define the option strike and risk aversion parameter

Part 1 Calculate coefficients $\phi_{nt}$ of the optimal action $a_t^\star\left(X_t\right)$


Compute optimal hedge and portfolio value

Call function_A and function_B for $t=T-1,...,0$ together with basis function $\Phi_n\left(X_t\right)$ to compute optimal action $a_t^\star\left(X_t\right)=\sum_n^N{\phi_{nt}\Phi_n\left(X_t\right)}$ backward recursively with terminal condition $a_T^\star\left(X_T\right)=0$.

Once the optimal hedge $a_t^\star\left(X_t\right)$ is computed, the portfolio value $\Pi_t$ could also be computed backward recursively by

$$\Pi_t=\gamma\left[\Pi_{t+1}-a_t^\star\Delta S_t\right]\quad t=T-1,...,0$$

together with the terminal condition $\Pi_T=H_T\left(S_T\right)=\max\left(K-S_T,0\right)$ for a European put option.

Also compute $\hat{\Pi}_t=\Pi_t-\bar{\Pi}_t$, where $\bar{\Pi}_t$ is the sample mean of all values of $\Pi_t$.

Plots of 5 optimal hedge $a_t^\star$ and portfolio value $\Pi_t$ paths are shown below.

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Compute rewards for all paths

Once the optimal hedge $a_t^\star$ and portfolio value $\Pi_t$ are all computed, the reward function $R_t\left(X_t,a_t,X_{t+1}\right)$ could then be computed by

$$R_t\left(X_t,a_t,X_{t+1}\right)=\gamma a_t\Delta S_t-\lambda Var\left[\Pi_t\space|\space\mathcal F_t\right]\quad t=0,...,T-1$$

with terminal condition $R_T=-\lambda Var\left[\Pi_T\right]$.

Plot of 5 reward function $R_t$ paths is shown below.

Part 2: Compute the optimal Q-function with the DP approach

Coefficients for expansions of the optimal Q-function $Q_t^\star\left(X_t,a_t^\star\right)$ are solved by

$$\omega_t=\mathbf C_t^{-1}\mathbf D_t$$

where $\mathbf C_t$ and $\mathbf D_t$ are matrix and vector respectively with elements given by

$$C_{nm}^{\left(t\right)}=\sum_{k=1}^{N_{MC}}{\Phi_n\left(X_t^k\right)\Phi_m\left(X_t^k\right)}\quad\quad D_n^{\left(t\right)}=\sum_{k=1}^{N_{MC}}{\Phi_n\left(X_t^k\right)\left(R_t\left(X_t,a_t^\star,X_{t+1}\right)+\gamma\max_{a_{t+1}\in\mathcal{A}}Q_{t+1}^\star\left(X_{t+1},a_{t+1}\right)\right)}$$

Define function function_C and function_D to compute the value of matrix $\mathbf C_t$ and vector $\mathbf D_t$.


Call function_C and function_D for $t=T-1,...,0$ together with basis function $\Phi_n\left(X_t\right)$ to compute optimal action Q-function $Q_t^\star\left(X_t,a_t^\star\right)=\sum_n^N{\omega_{nt}\Phi_n\left(X_t\right)}$ backward recursively with terminal condition $Q_T^\star\left(X_T,a_T=0\right)=-\Pi_T\left(X_T\right)-\lambda Var\left[\Pi_T\left(X_T\right)\right]$.

The QLBS option price is given by $C_t^{\left(QLBS\right)}\left(S_t,ask\right)=-Q_t\left(S_t,a_t^\star\right)$

Summary of the QLBS pricing and comparison with the BSM pricing

Compare the QLBS price to European put price given by Black-Sholes formula.

$$C_t^{\left(BS\right)}=Ke^{-r\left(T-t\right)}\mathcal N\left(-d_2\right)-S_t\mathcal N\left(-d_1\right)$$

The DP solution for QLBS

make a summary picture