Welcome to the ungraded lab for week 3 of Machine Learning Engineering for Production. In this lab, you will see how the data labeling process affects the performance of a classification model. Labeling data is usually a very labor intensive and costly task but it is of great importance.
As you saw in the lectures there are many ways to label data, this is dependant on the strategy used. Recall the example with the iguanas, all of the following are valid labeling alternatives but they clearly follow different criteria.
You can think of every labeling strategy as a result of different labelers following different labeling rules. If your data is labeled by people using different criteria this will have a negative impact on your learning algorithm. It is desired to have consistent labeling across your dataset.
This lab will touch on the effect of labeling strategies from a slighlty different angle. You will explore how different strategies affect the performance of a machine learning model by simulating the process of having different labelers label the data. This, by defining a set of rules and performing automatic labeling based on those rules.
The main objective of this ungraded lab is to compare performance across labeling options to understand the role that good labeling plays on the performance of Machine Learning models, these options are:
Although the example with the iguanas is a computer vision task, the same concepts regarding labeling can be applied to other types of data. In this lab you will be working with text data, concretely you will be using a dataset containing comments from the 2015 top 5 most popular Youtube videos. Each comment has been labeled as spam
or not_spam
depending on its contents.
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
The dataset consists of 5 CSV files, one for each video. Pandas DataFrame
are very powerful to handle data in CSV format. The following helper function will load the data using pandas:
def load_labeled_spam_dataset():
"""Load labeled spam dataset."""
# Path where csv files are located
base_path = "./data/"
# List of csv files with full path
csv_files = [os.path.join(base_path, csv) for csv in os.listdir(base_path)]
# List of dataframes for each file
dfs = [pd.read_csv(filename) for filename in csv_files]
# Concatenate dataframes into a single one
df = pd.concat(dfs)
# Rename columns
df = df.rename(columns={"CONTENT": "text", "CLASS": "label"})
# Set a seed for the order of rows
df = df.sample(frac=1, random_state=824)
return df.reset_index()
# Save the dataframe into the df_labeled variable
df_labeled = load_labeled_spam_dataset()
To have a feeling of how the data is organized, let's inspect the top 5 rows of the data:
# Take a look at the first 5 rows
index | COMMENT_ID | AUTHOR | DATE | text | label | |
0 | 86 | z12uzb3oxy23cbikz23qsjczaxz5wh1t5 | luisel Tutoriales Gameplays (luisel Tutoriales) | 2015-05-23T18:56:07.484000 | music yeah | 0 |
1 | 291 | z122z5pa2wyofbjj304cgfwrrmvjgn0pohc | Mia Aspinall | 2014-11-08T10:30:35 | 2 billion views, only 2 million shares | 0 |
2 | 142 | z13bttm5gxecfvrqq04cevkpuxj5s1u5ys40k | Vane Cavazos | 2014-09-20T15:39:44 | Katycat! https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id... | 1 |
3 | 147 | z132zl1rupqcylbep23jgfig3um3ct5vv | KatyPerry TheQueenOfPop | 2014-09-22T06:50:24 | -->ATTENTION KATYCATS! Katy leads with 7 no... | 1 |
4 | 326 | z12usr54ppaxxf1dl23nhbybruapdnixw04 | Arthur Teixeira | 2014-11-12T20:12:47 | I wanted to know the name of the guy that danc... | 0 |
# Print actual value count
print(f"Value counts for each class:\n\n{df_labeled.label.value_counts()}\n")
# Display pie chart to visually check the proportion
df_labeled.label.value_counts().plot.pie(y='label', title='Proportion of each class')
Value counts for each class: 1 1005 0 951 Name: label, dtype: int64
There is roughly the same number of data points for each class so class imbalance is not an issue for this particular dataset.
If you scroll back to the cell where you inspected the data, you will realize that the dataframe includes information that is not relevant for the task at hand. At the moment, you are only interested in the comments and the corresponding labels (the video that each comment belongs to will be used later). Let's drop the remaining columns.
# Drop unused columns
df_labeled = df_labeled.drop(['index', 'COMMENT_ID', 'AUTHOR', 'DATE'], axis=1)
# Look at the cleaned dataset
text | label | |
0 | music yeah | 0 |
1 | 2 billion views, only 2 million shares | 0 |
2 | Katycat! https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id... | 1 |
3 | -->ATTENTION KATYCATS! Katy leads with 7 no... | 1 |
4 | I wanted to know the name of the guy that danc... | 0 |
Now the dataset only includes the information you are going to use moving forward.
Before jumping to the data labeling section let's split the data into training and test sets so you can use the latter to measure the performance of models that were trained using data labeled through different methods. As a safety measure when doing this split, remember to use stratification so the proportion of classes is maintained within each split.
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# Save the text into the X variable
X = df_labeled.drop("label", axis=1)
# Save the true labels into the y variable
y = df_labeled["label"]
# Use 1/5 of the data for testing later
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42, stratify=y)
# Print number of comments for each set
print(f"There are {X_train.shape[0]} comments for training.")
print(f"There are {X_test.shape[0]} comments for testing")
There are 1564 comments for training. There are 392 comments for testing
Let's do a visual to check that the stratification actually worked:
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
y_train.value_counts().plot.pie(y='label', title='Proportion of each class for train set', figsize=(10, 6))
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
y_test.value_counts().plot.pie(y='label', title='Proportion of each class for test set', figsize=(10, 6))
Both, the training and test sets a balanced proportion of examples per class. So, the code successfully implemented stratification.
Let's get going!
CountVectorizer is a handy tool included in the sklearn ecosystem to encode text based data.
For more information on how to work with text data using sklearn check out this resource.
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
# Allow unigrams and bigrams
vectorizer = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 5))
Now that the text encoding is defined, you need to select a model to make predictions. For simplicity you will use a Multinomial Naive Bayes classifier. This model is well suited for text classification and is fairly quick to train.
Let's define a function which will handle the model fitting and print out the accuracy on the test data:
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
def calculate_accuracy(X_tr, y_tr, X_te=X_test, y_te=y_test,
clf=MultinomialNB(), vectorizer=vectorizer):
# Encode train text
X_train_vect = vectorizer.fit_transform(X_tr.text.tolist())
# Fit model
clf.fit(X=X_train_vect, y=y_tr)
# Vectorize test text
X_test_vect = vectorizer.transform(X_te.text.tolist())
# Make predictions for the test set
preds = clf.predict(X_test_vect)
# Return accuracy score
return accuracy_score(preds, y_te)
Now let's create a dictionary to store the accuracy of each labeling method:
# Empty dictionary
accs = dict()
Generating random labels is a natural way to establish a lower bound. You will expect that any successful alternative labeling model to outperform randomly generated labels.
Now let's calculate the accuracy for the random labeling method
# Calculate random labels
rnd_labels = np.random.randint(0, 2, X_train.shape[0])
# Feed them alongside X_train to calculate_accuracy function
rnd_acc = calculate_accuracy(X_train, rnd_labels)
You will see a different accuracy everytime you run the previous cell. This is due to the fact that the labeling is done randomly. Remember, this is a binary classification problem and both classes are balanced, so you can expect to see accuracies that revolve around 50%.
To further gain intuition let's look at the average accuracy over 10 runs:
# Empty list to save accuracies
rnd_accs = []
for _ in range(10):
# Add every accuracy to the list
rnd_accs.append(calculate_accuracy(X_train, np.random.randint(0, 2, X_train.shape[0])))
# Save result in accs dictionary
accs['random-labels'] = sum(rnd_accs)/len(rnd_accs)
# Print result
print(f"The random labelling method achieved and accuracy of {accs['random-labels']*100:.2f}%")
The random labelling method achieved and accuracy of 49.44%
Random labelling is completely disregarding the information from the solution space you are working on, and is just guessing the correct label. You can't probably do worse than this (or maybe you can). For this reason, this method serves as reference for comparing other labeling methods
Now let's look at the other end of the spectrum, this is using the correct labels for your data points. Let's retrain the Multinomial Naive Bayes classifier with the actual labels
# Calculate accuracy when using the true labels
true_acc = calculate_accuracy(X_train, y_train)
# Save the result
accs['true-labels'] = true_acc
print(f"The true labelling method achieved and accuracy of {accs['true-labels']*100:.2f}%")
The true labelling method achieved and accuracy of 91.58%
Training with the true labels produced a noticeable boost in accuracy. This is expected as the classifier is now able to properly identify patterns in the training data which were lacking with randomly generated labels.
Achieving higher accuracy is possible by either fine-tunning the model or even selecting a different one. For the time being you will keep the model as it is and use this accuracy as what we should strive for with the automatic labeling algorithms you will see next.
Let's suppose that for some reason you don't have access to the true labels associated with each data point in this dataset. It is a natural idea to think that there are patterns in the data that will provide clues of which are the correct labels. This is of course very dependant on the kind of data you are working with and to even hypothesize which patterns exist requires great domain knowledge.
The dataset used in this lab was used for this reason. It is reasonable for many people to come up with rules that might help identify a spam comment from a non-spam one for a Youtube video. In the following section you will be performing automatic labeling using such rules. You can think of each iteration of this process as a labeler with different criteria for labeling and your job is to hire the most promising one.
Notice the word rules. In order to perform automatic labeling you will define some rules such as "if the comment contains the word 'free' classify it as spam".
First things first. Let's define how we are going to encode the labeling:
is represented by 1NOT_SPAM
as -1You might be wondering about the NO_LABEL
keyword. Depending on the rules you come up with, these might not be applicable to some data points. For such cases it is better to refuse from giving a label rather than guessing, which you already saw yields poor results.
For this first iteration you will create three rules based on the intuition of common patterns that appear on spam comments. The rules are simple, classify as SPAM if any of the following patterns is present within the comment or NO_LABEL otherwise:
- spam comments usually lure users by promoting free stuffsubs
- spam comments tend to ask users to subscribe to some website or channelhttp
- spam comments include links very frequentlydef labeling_rules_1(x):
# Convert text to lowercase
x = x.lower()
# Define list of rules
rules = [
"free" in x,
"subs" in x,
"http" in x
# If the comment falls under any of the rules classify as SPAM
if any(rules):
return 1
# Otherwise, NO_LABEL
return -1
# Apply the rules the comments in the train set
labels = [labeling_rules_1(label) for label in X_train.text]
# Convert to a numpy array
labels = np.asarray(labels)
# Take a look at the automatic labels
array([-1, -1, -1, ..., -1, -1, 1])
For lots of points the automatic labeling algorithm decided to not settle for a label, this is expected given the nature of the rules that were defined. These points should be deleted since they don't provide information about the classification process and tend to hurt performance.
# Create the automatic labeled version of X_train by removing points with NO_LABEL label
X_train_al = X_train[labels != -1]
# Remove predictions with NO_LABEL label
labels_al = labels[labels != -1]
print(f"Predictions with concrete label have shape: {labels_al.shape}")
print(f"Proportion of data points kept: {labels_al.shape[0]/labels.shape[0]*100:.2f}%")
Predictions with concrete label have shape: (379,) Proportion of data points kept: 24.23%
Notice that only 379 data points remained out of the original 1564. The rules defined didn't provide enough context for the labeling algorithm to settle on a label, so around 75% of the data has been trimmed.
Let's test the accuracy of the model when using these automatic generated labels:
# Compute accuracy when using these labels
iter_1_acc = calculate_accuracy(X_train_al, labels_al)
# Display accuracy
print(f"First iteration of automatic labeling has an accuracy of {iter_1_acc*100:.2f}%")
# Save the result
accs['first-iteration'] = iter_1_acc
First iteration of automatic labeling has an accuracy of 51.28%
Let's compare this accuracy to the baselines by plotting:
def plot_accuracies(accs=accs):
colors = list("rgbcmy")
items_num = len(accs)
cont = 1
for x, y in accs.items():
if x in ['true-labels', 'random-labels', 'true-labels-best-clf']:
plt.hlines(y, 0, (items_num-2)*2, colors=colors.pop())
plt.scatter(cont, y, s=100)
plt.legend(accs.keys(), loc="center left",bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
This first iteration had an accuracy very close to the random labeling, we should strive to do better than this.
Before moving forward let's define the label_given_rules
function that performs all of the steps you just saw, these are:
def label_given_rules(df, rules_function, name,
accs_dict=accs, verbose=True):
# Apply labeling rules to the comments
labels = [rules_function(label) for label in df.text]
# Convert to a numpy array
labels = np.asarray(labels)
# Save initial number of data points
initial_size = labels.shape[0]
# Trim points with NO_LABEL label
X_train_al = df[labels != -1]
labels = labels[labels != -1]
# Save number of data points after trimming
final_size = labels.shape[0]
# Compute accuracy
acc = calculate_accuracy(X_train_al, labels)
# Print useful information
if verbose:
print(f"Proportion of data points kept: {final_size/initial_size*100:.2f}%\n")
print(f"{name} labeling has an accuracy of {acc*100:.2f}%\n")
# Save accuracy to accuracies dictionary
accs_dict[name] = acc
return X_train_al, labels, acc
Going forward we should come up with rules that have a better coverage of the training data, thus making pattern discovery an easier task. Also notice how the rules were only able to label as either SPAM or NO_LABEL, we should also create some rules that help the identification of NOT_SPAM comments.
If you inspect the comments in the dataset you might be able to distinguish certain patterns at a glimpse. For example, not spam comments often make references to either the number of views since these were the most watched videos of 2015 or the song in the video and its contents . As for spam comments other common patterns are to promote gifts or ask to follow some channel or website.
Let's create some new rules that include these patterns:
def labeling_rules_2(x):
# Convert text to lowercase
x = x.lower()
# Define list of rules to classify as NOT_SPAM
not_spam_rules = [
"view" in x,
"song" in x
# Define list of rules to classify as SPAM
spam_rules = [
"free" in x,
"subs" in x,
"gift" in x,
"follow" in x,
"http" in x
# Classify depending on the rules
if any(not_spam_rules):
return 0
if any(spam_rules):
return 1
return -1
This new set of rules looks more promising as it includes more patterns to classify as SPAM as well as some patterns to classify as NOT_SPAM. This should result in more data points with a label different to NO_LABEL.
Let's check if this is the case.
label_given_rules(X_train, labeling_rules_2, "second-iteration")
Proportion of data points kept: 44.12% second-iteration labeling has an accuracy of 70.92%
This time 44% of the original dataset was given a decisive label and there were data points for both labels, this helped the model reach a higher accuracy when compared to the first iteration. Now the accuracy is considerably higher than the random labeling but it is still very far away from the upper bound.
Let's see if we can make it even better!
The rules we have defined so far are doing a fair job. Let's add two additional rules, one for classifying SPAM comments and the other for the opposite task.
At a glimpse it looks like NOT_SPAM comments are usually shorter. This may be due to them not including hyperlinks but also in general they tend to be more concrete such as "I love this song!".
Let's take a look at the average number of characters for SPAM comments vs NOT_SPAM oned:
from statistics import mean
print(f"NOT_SPAM comments have an average of {mean([len(t) for t in df_labeled[df_labeled.label==0].text]):.2f} characters.")
print(f"SPAM comments have an average of {mean([len(t) for t in df_labeled[df_labeled.label==1].text]):.2f} characters.")
NOT_SPAM comments have an average of 49.64 characters. SPAM comments have an average of 137.34 characters.
It sure looks like there is a big difference in the number of characters for both types of comments.
To decide on a threshold to classify as NOT_SPAM let's plot a histogram of the number of characters for NOT_SPAM comments:
plt.hist([len(t) for t in df_labeled[df_labeled.label==0].text], range=(0,100))
The majority of NOT_SPAM comments have 30 or less characters so we'll use that as a threshold.
Another prevalent pattern in spam comments is to ask users to "check out" a channel, website or link.
Let's add these two new rules:
def labeling_rules_3(x):
# Convert text to lowercase
x = x.lower()
# Define list of rules to classify as NOT_SPAM
not_spam_rules = [
"view" in x,
"song" in x,
len(x) < 30
# Define list of rules to classify as SPAM
spam_rules = [
"free" in x,
"subs" in x,
"gift" in x,
"follow" in x,
"http" in x,
"check out" in x
# Classify depending on the rules
if any(not_spam_rules):
return 0
if any(spam_rules):
return 1
return -1
label_given_rules(X_train, labeling_rules_3, "third-iteration")
Proportion of data points kept: 78.26% third-iteration labeling has an accuracy of 86.22%
These new rules do a pretty good job at both, covering the dataset and having a good model accuracy. To be more concrete this labeling strategy reached an accuracy of ~86%! We are getting closer and closer to the upper bound defined by using the true labels.
We could keep going on adding more rules to improve accuracy and we do encourage you to try it out yourself!
The following cells contain some code to help you inspect the dataset for patterns and to test out these patterns. The ones used before are commented out in case you want start from scratch or re-use them.
# Configure pandas to print out all rows to check the complete dataset
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
# Check NOT_SPAM comments
text | label | |
0 | music yeah | 0 |
1 | 2 billion views, only 2 million shares | 0 |
4 | I wanted to know the name of the guy that danc... | 0 |
6 | NICE GIRL :D | 0 |
7 | this is increidebl | 0 |
8 | 2 Billions in 2014 | 0 |
9 | Love Song | 0 |
12 | Awsome<br /> | 0 |
14 | best song ever (y) | 0 |
15 | The best world cup song ever!!!! | 0 |
16 | It was cool the best song ever | 0 |
17 | If I knew Korean, this would be even funnier. ... | 0 |
21 | when i see this back in 2015 i ask myself how ... | 0 |
22 | like the songs | 0 |
25 | Anybody else here in 2015? | 0 |
27 | Nice song | 0 |
28 | Oppa! Yeah! Best Song! | 0 |
31 | WOw | 0 |
32 | hay my is honesty wright i am 12year old i lo... | 0 |
34 | Best world cup offical song | 0 |
35 | I love this song so much | 0 |
36 | Love you | 0 |
38 | i like the lyrics but not to music video | 0 |
39 | Katy Perry is garbage. Rihanna is the best sin... | 0 |
40 | I love this song, can't believe it was 5 y... | 0 |
41 | just came here to check the views :P | 0 |
43 | Eminem rap can be easy for a boy but I can do ... | 0 |
47 | wow | 0 |
48 | Ahhh back when my life didn't suck... | 0 |
51 | I fucking hate her. Why? Because she don't wri... | 0 |
52 | 2,000,000,000 out of 7,000,000,000 people in t... | 0 |
53 | We get it, you came here for the views... | 0 |
54 | best song eva | 0 |
55 | so beutiful | 0 |
57 | 4 fucking years are fucking past so fucking fa... | 0 |
61 | I love your songs eminem your the rap god | 0 |
62 | She is good. Does she make any more music? If ... | 0 |
63 | when is this gonna hit 2 billion? | 0 |
65 | is that megan fox x:D? | 0 |
72 | this song sucks | 0 |
76 | Love the way you lie - Driveshaft | 0 |
77 | waka waka | 0 |
79 | it is wonderful | 0 |
80 | EMINEM the best EVER. | 0 |
82 | It looks so real and my daughter is a big fan ... | 0 |
83 | I loved it so much ... | 0 |
85 | In my head this is like 2 years ago.. Time FLIES | 0 |
87 | This song/video is such a trigger but it's... | 0 |
88 | It should be illegal to be this goodlooking as... | 0 |
89 | This awesome song needed 4 years to reach to 8... | 0 |
90 | Charlie, heroin will do that to you. | 0 |
92 | I love this song so much <3<br />Keep em... | 0 |
94 | i am a big fan of you and i love you | 0 |
97 | Her voice sounds weird and plus she's cute... | 0 |
98 | 2 BILLION!!! | 0 |
104 | I like this song | 0 |
107 | Waka waka | 0 |
110 | PSY - GANGNAM STYLE (강남스타일) M/V: http://youtu.... | 0 |
111 | She is fit | 0 |
112 | Me and my big sister like you | 0 |
114 | If she really did this there she's hardcore | 0 |
115 | i love her | 0 |
118 | Stop,is a very TOP 1 | 0 |
120 | This has had over 2 billion views. Holy shit. | 0 |
121 | love Shakira! | 0 |
123 | ❤️❤️❤️ | 0 |
128 | amazing song | 0 |
129 | I love this song | 0 |
130 | Good times. | 0 |
131 | Love this song so much! One of my faves! Xxx | 0 |
132 | Every collaboration between them, we know it w... | 0 |
133 | goood | 0 |
136 | i turned it on mute as soon is i came on i jus... | 0 |
137 | No one makes me wanna party like LMFAO does...... | 0 |
138 | fave song | 0 |
141 | NICE :3 | 0 |
142 | 5 years soon! | 0 |
146 | Who is watching in 2015 like | 0 |
148 | I love you | 0 |
156 | Thumbs up if you listen this in 2015. | 0 |
157 | Your the best♣♥ | 0 |
161 | super rihanna | 0 |
166 | Katy Perry is part of me Katy Perry is my fire... | 0 |
167 | ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ DAMN THIS COMMENT IS F... | 0 |
168 | I learned the shuffle because of them | 0 |
169 | Its funny that Mahogany is there lmao, I actua... | 0 |
171 | why are they 5million comments when there is o... | 0 |
172 | Eminem is the greatest artist to ever touch th... | 0 |
178 | EMINEM<3 <br />the best rapper ever<3 | 0 |
184 | She is perfect | 0 |
185 | I don't now why I'm watching this in 2014 | 0 |
187 | Haha its so funny to see the salt of westerner... | 0 |
189 | Almost 1 billion views, nice. | 0 |
191 | Who knows the name of that girl?.. and that on... | 0 |
192 | Katy Perry - Roar (Official): http://youtu.be/... | 0 |
193 | she is horrible at acting. cringe-worhty. | 0 |
200 | Eminem is my insperasen and fav | 0 |
201 | The little PSY is suffering Brain Tumor and on... | 0 |
202 | OPPA <3 | 0 |
211 | Best for partying | 0 |
212 | Eminem and Rihanna sing the song very well. | 0 |
213 | I love her green eyes | 0 |
217 | You gonna hear me ROARRRR..... | 0 |
218 | Wow this video is the most viewed youtube vide... | 0 |
219 | Οh my god ... Roar is the most liked video at ... | 0 |
222 | Like | 0 |
225 | The girl in the train who was dancing, her out... | 0 |
230 | i love u shakira | 0 |
231 | I really don't understand how this has 600 mil... | 0 |
233 | Haha, I can't believe how many kids listen... | 0 |
235 | Charlie from Lost! | 0 |
239 | wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww | 0 |
242 | Shakira you are so beautiful. You are lovely, ... | 0 |
243 | Almost 1 billion | 0 |
244 | This is the best, funny and viral video of his... | 0 |
247 | Song name?? | 0 |
255 | She named the tiger Kitty Purry No, seriously... | 0 |
257 | Lol...I dunno how this joke gets a lot of like... | 0 |
261 | I like you . Katy Perry 600▲60▲6▲ | 0 |
262 | 2015 and more.... | 0 |
263 | I love this song so much!:-D I've heard it so ... | 0 |
264 | I hate videos like these with those poor anima... | 0 |
266 | good party | 0 |
267 | 2.126.521.750 views!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 0 |
269 | I love this song &I love shakira<333♡♡♡... | 0 |
270 | I love Shakira !!!!!! ❤🎵🎶🎼🎸 | 0 |
271 | blue eyes, can't be trusted. uranus bless ame... | 0 |
272 | Just gonna stand there and hear me cry .. | 0 |
273 | charlieee :DDDD (Those who saw Lost only will ... | 0 |
274 | I love music | 0 |
275 | LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem ft. Lauren Bennett, ... | 0 |
277 | Fantastic! | 0 |
287 | More views than nikki minaj Anaconda | 0 |
288 | 2008-2010 were the years for pop | 0 |
290 | Shakira :-* | 0 |
293 | Looooved | 0 |
294 | BEST SONG! GO SHAKI :D | 0 |
295 | I love this song sooooooooooooooo much | 0 |
296 | Is that girl is Megan fox | 0 |
300 | I remember back when this was so popular every... | 0 |
301 | Memories | 0 |
303 | :) | 0 |
304 | Shuffling all the way with LMFAO! I like this ... | 0 |
305 | Love this song!!! | 0 |
307 | nice ..very nice | 0 |
308 | Every time I hear this song, I think about Ini... | 0 |
309 | This Song Was Good Until It Got Overplayed The... | 0 |
310 | Hahah, juyk! I allways laugh at the part 1:57.... | 0 |
311 | I love KATY PERRY <3 <3 | 0 |
313 | I love this song and expect the World Cup . | 0 |
314 | cool | 0 |
319 | Shakira is perfect | 0 |
320 | Amazing | 0 |
321 | We need to get this to 1 Billion Views!! | 0 |
322 | This is my favorite song ever love this Party ... | 0 |
323 | Dear person reading this, You are beautiful an... | 0 |
326 | Love the video | 0 |
327 | Nice | 0 |
328 | Wow;) | 0 |
331 | Waka waka she rules | 0 |
333 | 2010:( | 0 |
335 | thumbs up if you think this should have 1 bill... | 0 |
336 | This comment will randomly get lot's of likes ... | 0 |
343 | shuffle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... | 0 |
347 | how can there be 2.124.821.694 views, when im ... | 0 |
349 | Very Nice ! | 0 |
356 | Like if you came here too see how many views t... | 0 |
357 | wow | 0 |
358 | My favorite song 💗💗💗💗 | 0 |
363 | this is the 2nd most best song when im gone by... | 0 |
365 | Wow this video almost has a billion views! Did... | 0 |
366 | This video is so cool, again and again! | 0 |
367 | Way was their a guy warring a robot head. | 0 |
368 | is that megan fox? | 0 |
369 | You think you're smart? Headbutt your f... | 0 |
370 | How can this have 2 billion views when there's... | 0 |
371 | I'm not a big fan of the song but this video i... | 0 |
375 | omg | 0 |
376 | Nature is beautiful, no need to place tits in ... | 0 |
381 | Who df is Lauren Bennett.. | 0 |
384 | Best World Cup Song | 0 |
387 | This song makes me want to drink bleach | 0 |
390 | ILove shakira | 0 |
392 | Eminem is idol for very people in España and M... | 0 |
393 | Ahhh, 2 years ago.... | 0 |
394 | Loves it | 0 |
397 | Best. Song. EVER 🙌 | 0 |
402 | I think he was drunk during this :) x) | 0 |
403 | Love you shkira | 0 |
404 | I felt old when I realized that this song was ... | 0 |
405 | i think they were drunk when they shot the fir... | 0 |
406 | LOVE IT!!!!!!! | 0 |
407 | I believe that soccer promotes terrorism. Bad ... | 0 |
408 | Beautiful song beautiful girl it works | 0 |
413 | DISLIKE.. Now one knows REAL music - ex. Enimen | 0 |
414 | Why does a song like this have more views than... | 0 |
416 | Cool | 0 |
417 | Love this song! My soccer team made a cd for o... | 0 |
419 | I am now going to voyage to the first comment.... | 0 |
420 | Hi loving it | 0 |
422 | Are those real animals | 0 |
423 | some classsic :)))) | 0 |
426 | i want to smack this year boy in to forever | 0 |
427 | lol so funny love it | 0 |
429 | Almost 1 Bil. What? Wow, GS sucks, in my opini... | 0 |
430 | PSY is a good guy | 0 |
431 | Awesome | 0 |
434 | ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ | 0 |
438 | :-D ♪♪♪ This is my favorite song ♥ | 0 |
439 | LOVE THE WAY YOU LIE .." | 0 |
444 | Almost to a billion :) | 0 |
445 | Love this video and the song of course | 0 |
447 | LMFAO IS THE BEST | 0 |
449 | Yeah! Let's start the party! | 0 |
451 | If the shitty Chinese Government didn't block ... | 0 |
455 | Best song ever made i swear :D i still hear ev... | 0 |
456 | Yesterday this video have 1 million likes and ... | 0 |
458 | Lol thats the guy from animal planet and lost.... | 0 |
459 | Fuck you Eminem | 0 |
460 | awesome | 0 |
462 | Hi I am from bangladesh 💜 | 0 |
463 | this very good so I dance with some companions... | 0 |
465 | Let get this video to one billion views | 0 |
466 | :) | 0 |
467 | People Who Say That "This Song Is Too Old Now,... | 0 |
468 | Lip synch is terrible | 0 |
476 | P E A C E & L O V E ! ! | 0 |
477 | Who else would give Katy perry a good old migh... | 0 |
478 | thumbs up if u checked this video to see hw vi... | 0 |
479 | awesome | 0 |
482 | Party Rock<br /> | 0 |
485 | For all of the little kidz out there there is ... | 0 |
488 | This is the best of the best video in world!!!... | 0 |
491 | Glad to know im not the only one who knows its... | 0 |
492 | :D | 0 |
493 | this song always gives me chills! :) | 0 |
494 | What nicei⛺♥♥♥♥ | 0 |
497 | C'mon Katy you are so close to 14,000,000 subs... | 0 |
499 | I LOVE YOU KATTY PERRY <3 | 0 |
501 | I just realized that this verses in this song ... | 0 |
502 | How are there 2 billion views and theres only ... | 0 |
505 | Waka waka eh eh | 0 |
508 | I love You Katy ♥ | 0 |
510 | I came here because of Vanoss. | 0 |
512 | Wow she is sexy XD | 0 |
513 | This Song is AWESOME!!!! | 0 |
514 | Like | 0 |
519 | CUTE :) | 0 |
521 | This Song will never get old | 0 |
522 | Hii youtube | 0 |
523 | You exactly who u want to be,watching your fav... | 0 |
525 | In what South American jungle or any jungle fo... | 0 |
528 | I love you ;p | 0 |
529 | Made in china.... | 0 |
530 | I miss this song. 😢 | 0 |
532 | Why sooooo many downs? | 0 |
534 | i want to be that robot guy... | 0 |
536 | i was born in the wrong generation | 0 |
541 | Eminem rocks! | 0 |
542 | one of the BEST SONGS in music history | 0 |
543 | Lamest World Cup song ever! This time FOR Afri... | 0 |
544 | likeeeeeeeee | 0 |
547 | Omg | 0 |
549 | Nice | 0 |
550 | I dont even watch it anymore i just come here ... | 0 |
552 | I love song | 0 |
553 | Katy perry songs aren't that bad | 0 |
558 | Why so many disliked??????!!!!!!😯 | 0 |
559 | Remeber the good ol' days when songs weren... | 0 |
565 | Feels and emotions in this song...God damn | 0 |
566 | This video deserves <b>1B</b> views!!! | 0 |
572 | "....because I AM a champion...and you're gonn... | 0 |
573 | Best Music Ever!!! | 0 |
575 | WE GO FOR 1,000,000,000 FOR EMINEM | 0 |
576 | We pray for you Little Psy ♡ | 0 |
578 | Awesum song!! Jus luv it! | 0 |
580 | sorry but eminmem is a worthless wife beating ... | 0 |
582 | Very pleasant to hear, haha, good. | 0 |
583 | tension⤴︎⤴︎ | 0 |
585 | 666,002,018 views! 666 million. 666! Katy Perr... | 0 |
586 | The Guy in the yellow suit kinda looks like Ja... | 0 |
588 | Loool nice song funny how no one understands (... | 0 |
589 | So underrated better<br />Than Katy perry :/ ... | 0 |
591 | 2010? The time past so fast .. | 0 |
592 | Love😘❤💖 | 0 |
593 | What is he saying?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?$? | 0 |
595 | Why did they stop their career in music? This ... | 0 |
598 | Your going to hear me Roar !!!! :-)))) #soun... | 0 |
599 | I fuckin love this song!<br /><br /><br />Afte... | 0 |
600 | The most watched video on YouTube is Psy’s “Ga... | 0 |
605 | i watched this because of the large amount of ... | 0 |
607 | 2 Billion Views For This Piece Of Shit... ~ A ... | 0 |
608 | I like the music...but is anyone listening to ... | 0 |
609 | wait I SAW A KID NOT KIDDING | 0 |
613 | That guy charley of lost TV show | 0 |
616 | Almost a billion | 0 |
623 | I'm here to check the views.. holy shit | 0 |
626 | Charlie from LOST | 0 |
627 | You are the music hero😍😎 | 0 |
628 | If only I had the body like Katy Perry :)). Sh... | 0 |
629 | Charlie got off the island and dated Megan Fox... | 0 |
631 | What Can i say....This Song He Just Change The... | 0 |
632 | Katy Perry - Roar (Official): http://youtu.be/... | 0 |
634 | 8 million likes xD even the subscribers not 8 ... | 0 |
636 | 2 billion for this shit? | 0 |
638 | I miss when people dressed like this. | 0 |
639 | Waka waka !!! | 0 |
641 | i'm watching this on summer 2015 | 0 |
642 | Love this song !!!!!! | 0 |
644 | Hey I think I know what where dealing with her... | 0 |
645 | Still the best. :D | 0 |
648 | She looks like Megan Fox 😂 xD!! | 0 |
649 | Lol I love this song | 0 |
650 | Ah. Good old times (: | 0 |
652 | I wish that guy wasn't so protective geeze | 0 |
654 | Good video | 0 |
655 | BEST SONG EVER X3333333333 | 0 |
657 | LoL | 0 |
659 | So freaking sad... | 0 |
662 | She is perfect | 0 |
663 | waka waka:-):-):-) | 0 |
664 | Never get old | 0 |
666 | I love it and my mom to | 0 |
668 | You best singer | 0 |
671 | ....I stil lisening this :) | 0 |
676 | I LOVE YOU!!! Because u make me smile when im ... | 0 |
678 | Is that Charlie from lost? | 0 |
681 | This is a weird video. | 0 |
682 | Your a fucking bitch | 0 |
683 | they Shuffle hard that they made an Earthquake... | 0 |
684 | Hello I'm from Bulgaria | 0 |
685 | :) | 0 |
688 | Lemme Top Comments Please!! | 0 |
689 | Rihanna and Eminem together are unstoppable. | 0 |
691 | best song | 0 |
693 | I love this song | 0 |
694 | Who else saw jesses dancing sorry if I spelled... | 0 |
695 | LMFAO best songs ever! | 0 |
699 | so crazy, over 2 billion views, not US, not Uk... | 0 |
700 | I love it | 0 |
706 | 857.482.940 views AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... | 0 |
707 | I could finally do the spongebob but I started... | 0 |
708 | LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem ft. Lauren Bennett, ... | 0 |
712 | Beautiful song | 0 |
713 | She's an old Whore! | 0 |
714 | I love this song, it´s for empowering every wo... | 0 |
716 | Eminem best rapper all the time | 0 |
717 | Shakira | 0 |
720 | Fire.. | 0 |
721 | I love the song roar it make me think am fill ... | 0 |
727 | katy perry is awesome | 0 |
728 | the song is sad | 0 |
730 | Remove This video its wank | 0 |
732 | It is 0 zero | 0 |
737 | Shakira is very beautiful | 0 |
739 | I remember when this used to be so popular all... | 0 |
740 | wery good | 0 |
743 | i hate this music. fucking singer and every ko... | 0 |
744 | 5 years later i still love this song <br />~Ax... | 0 |
745 | How old is Katy perry? | 0 |
749 | Its almost Katys birthday! October 25th Lets s... | 0 |
753 | Lets party | 0 |
754 | epic | 0 |
756 | Will this song ever reach 7 Billion Views? | 0 |
760 | awesome | 0 |
761 | I <3 Katy Perry! | 0 |
762 | The most liked video on YouTube... | 0 |
765 | I like how the robot shuffles he shuffles good | 0 |
767 | Good | 0 |
768 | At least she didn't get rid of her completely ... | 0 |
770 | Nice song | 0 |
774 | OMG LOVE THIS! | 0 |
775 | Oh my god go to 1 billion of replay i love sha... | 0 |
778 | i love this song thumsb up to you | 0 |
781 | Shakira :-* | 0 |
786 | old and good song | 0 |
788 | Love these guys, love the song! | 0 |
791 | Just coming to check if people are still viewi... | 0 |
793 | 00 : 39 Im pretty sure that tiger just wanted ... | 0 |
797 | 2:05. Hahahahah | 0 |
798 | they said this video are not deserve 2billion ... | 0 |
799 | :3 | 0 |
804 | Shakira voice sound spanish but that is what m... | 0 |
807 | Love this sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... | 0 |
810 | Omg! This guy sounds like an american professo... | 0 |
813 | It's been back for quite a while now. | 0 |
814 | Awesome song!,congratulations!!! | 0 |
815 | Love it | 0 |
819 | just checking the views | 0 |
820 | i like this song because of all the animals an... | 0 |
821 | Holy crap. 800,000,000 views?! | 0 |
822 | best song in world | 0 |
823 | 9 year olds be like, 'How does this have 2 bil... | 0 |
824 | MANY MEMORIES........... | 0 |
825 | very good song:) | 0 |
827 | I liked<br /> | 0 |
828 | Waka waka | 0 |
829 | i like and love so much people all friends....... | 0 |
830 | Katy Perry can't sing for shit. All i hear it ... | 0 |
831 | 5 milions comentars and 2 bilion views | 0 |
832 | I love it | 0 |
833 | She kinda let herself go, huh? | 0 |
838 | well done shakira | 0 |
839 | This is so cool,why haven't I heard this b... | 0 |
840 | Katty is the best! ! ! ! | 0 |
841 | Thanks to this video we know that Nokia phones... | 0 |
844 | Don't mind me, I'm just checking what the view... | 0 |
847 | Behold the most viewed youtube video in the hi... | 0 |
850 | sorry to all my haters<br /><br /><br /><br />... | 0 |
851 | This song is great there are 2,127,315,950 vie... | 0 |
853 | The great mother of the jungle. Sweet and natu... | 0 |
856 | so spousal abusue cool that's great | 0 |
858 | like!!!!! | 0 |
859 | still watching in 2015... | 0 |
860 | Still listening,still same pleasure | 0 |
865 | Youtube comments be like<br />This is so 5 yea... | 0 |
866 | My 6th grade teacher looked exactly like Katy ... | 0 |
868 | Every time I watch this mv I just so so so gla... | 0 |
876 | Nice vídeo shakira good | 0 |
877 | i like it :) | 0 |
878 | Lets be honest, you wouldn't last 1 day on you... | 0 |
879 | Dang Dat little kid gat moves | 0 |
880 | Cutie girl and beautiful song | 0 |
881 | katy perry just stop it and dont do a song i ... | 0 |
882 | Wow I love it | 0 |
883 | I lovet | 0 |
884 | This song means so much to me thank you soooo... | 0 |
887 | OMG that looks just like a piece of the mirror... | 0 |
889 | This is so stupid. If you Roared at a Lion in ... | 0 |
891 | This video is kinda close to 1 million views ... | 0 |
894 | That shake and that golden and black robot wer... | 0 |
895 | Whose watching this in 2015. If so hi-5 | 0 |
896 | I love shakira<br />❤❤❤❤ | 0 |
898 | The song is very good ...but the video makes n... | 0 |
899 | I love dis song!! 3 | 0 |
901 | Watching in 2015 | 0 |
904 | this song is NICE | 0 |
905 | 2 billion views wow not even baby by justin be... | 0 |
906 | How can this song have 629 million views while... | 0 |
907 | most popular video on youtube | 0 |
911 | What the hell this song is already five years ... | 0 |
913 | Where are Shakifans? | 0 |
917 | Eminem et Rihana trop belle chanson | 0 |
918 | i check back often to help reach 2x10^9 views ... | 0 |
923 | 5 years and i still dont get the music video h... | 0 |
924 | ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️ | 0 |
925 | Thumbs up if you watched it in 2011 | 0 |
928 | I love you Shakiria!!!!!! | 0 |
929 | The perfect example of abuse from husbands and... | 0 |
930 | 2015 LIKEEE | 0 |
932 | #2015 FUCK YEAH | 0 |
933 | This song is true because it is insane because... | 0 |
934 | Good song:-) | 0 |
938 | go here to check the views :3 | 0 |
939 | everyday I'm shufflin | 0 |
940 | 1 million dislikes!EPIC FAIL(ready for you fan... | 0 |
943 | First they were fighting... Then they were mak... | 0 |
947 | I WILL FINISH THIS DISSERTATION! And I will la... | 0 |
948 | 969,210 dislikes like dislike themselves | 0 |
949 | psy=korean | 0 |
953 | prehistoric song..has been | 0 |
955 | she is a fool. this is a foolish video. the ly... | 0 |
956 | Shakira is my favourite singer. Wooooo | 0 |
958 | Ching Ching ling long ding ring yaaaaaa Ganga ... | 0 |
959 | I LOVE YOUR SONGS | 0 |
960 | How can this music video get 2 billion views w... | 0 |
963 | that is megan fox | 0 |
964 | Rihana, Love Me. :( | 0 |
966 | great song, but we all know that Katy buys her... | 0 |
968 | Best song ever!!!! | 0 |
974 | Why do I feel like as if Gangnam style copied ... | 0 |
975 | this video is great .....!!! I love this......... | 0 |
981 | Whose who are watching this in 2015. LIKE! | 0 |
986 | Best song ever | 0 |
991 | Hello. İ am from Azerbaijan<br /> | 0 |
992 | Looooooooove this song!!!!!!!!!:)))))) | 0 |
995 | If you are a person that loves real music you ... | 0 |
996 | Likeeee | 0 |
997 | OMG 2/7 People watched this video because ther... | 0 |
998 | fucking love it omg :v | 0 |
999 | I love roar and Katy Perry. She is my favorite... | 0 |
1001 | this fucking song like a'n oreo the only w... | 0 |
1002 | why the elephant have a broken horn | 0 |
1003 | Katy Perry is lion | 0 |
1005 | And after the video ends, a 13 ft. boa constri... | 0 |
1006 | Honestly speaking except taylor swift and adel... | 0 |
1013 | LIKKEE | 0 |
1015 | why tiger succumbs to a beautiful girl ?.proba... | 0 |
1016 | My honest opinion. It's a very mediocre song. ... | 0 |
1017 | every bady yust have a good time | 0 |
1018 | sexy shakira | 0 |
1022 | #1 song in world even in 2015 | 0 |
1026 | LOL this shit never gets old | 0 |
1027 | 3:46 so cute! | 0 |
1029 | This is the only video on youtube that get so ... | 0 |
1030 | Love this song makes me wanna dance! | 0 |
1031 | everyones back lool this is almost 3 years old... | 0 |
1034 | Best song | 0 |
1035 | Anyone else notice that Megan Fox is in this v... | 0 |
1037 | The best song ever! | 0 |
1040 | You gotta say its funny. well not 2 billion wo... | 0 |
1041 | Wanderfol is love or miusic | 0 |
1042 | Super awesome video<br /> | 0 |
1045 | Was that Meghan fox?? | 0 |
1046 | fav. | 0 |
1052 | The first billion viewed this because they tho... | 0 |
1053 | I like it<br /> | 0 |
1054 | Party rock! XD | 0 |
1058 | I hate it when Laura Bennett comes in | 0 |
1060 | do you guys know, there's a part two of th... | 0 |
1061 | Shakira is the best dancer | 0 |
1062 | This song is just insane.<br />Do you dance li... | 0 |
1065 | This song is like an oreo, the black part is g... | 0 |
1066 | eminem is a ginius stop! | 0 |
1071 | This the best song i ever hire<br /> | 0 |
1072 | Im just to check how much views it has | 0 |
1073 | She is good | 0 |
1074 | NEW GOAL! 3,000,000! Let's go for it! | 0 |
1075 | Cool | 0 |
1079 | just :( superr!!! | 0 |
1085 | Strong messages in every song I've heard. | 0 |
1089 | I'd rather hear some propa explicit gangsta ra... | 0 |
1091 | ILOVETHISSONG | 0 |
1092 | Why dafuq is a Korean song so big in the USA. ... | 0 |
1094 | I like so much this music, good | 0 |
1095 | If you pause at 1:39 at the last millisecond y... | 0 |
1099 | Love your songs<br />Supper cool<br /> | 0 |
1100 | should not have paused the music, this is a cl... | 0 |
1102 | amazing song | 0 |
1106 | not 2 million view anymore :)) | 0 |
1109 | Stupid people... this video doesnt have 2 bill... | 0 |
1110 | Y LOVE YOU | 0 |
1111 | Shakira u are so wiredo | 0 |
1112 | my son love so much | 0 |
1113 | Love this song | 0 |
1114 | How did THIS Video in all of YouTube get this ... | 0 |
1115 | I like the Mmph version better | 0 |
1116 | I like shakira.. | 0 |
1120 | I'm watching this in 2014 | 0 |
1121 | I remember when everyone was obsessed with Gan... | 0 |
1127 | I found out this song now | 0 |
1128 | Where did she find all that make up in a freak... | 0 |
1129 | Charlie from LOST? | 0 |
1131 | "eye of the tiger" "i am the champion" seems l... | 0 |
1133 | Enough with the whole "how does this have two ... | 0 |
1136 | Its funny because I listen to rock and death m... | 0 |
1139 | Very nice | 0 |
1140 | In the beginning she was scared off everything... | 0 |
1141 | love lmfao party rockin keep it going | 0 |
1144 | cool cool cool cool cool cool cool | 0 |
1148 | Very good! Like! :D | 0 |
1153 | To help shakira become the first female to hit... | 0 |
1157 | I love this song for two reasons: 1.it is abou... | 0 |
1158 | Thumbs up if you're watching in 2015 | 0 |
1161 | Best song for ever💜💜😢<br /> | 0 |
1162 | Hi, nice song Shakira! (Sorry for bad Brazilian) | 0 |
1163 | Getting too 1billion views, holy moly.!!! | 0 |
1164 | this comment is wrong | 0 |
1166 | i love this song | 0 |
1167 | I'm only checking the views | 0 |
1168 | No-I hate The Way U LIe!! | 0 |
1170 | I like it | 0 |
1173 | looooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeee it... | 0 |
1174 | goot | 0 |
1176 | Shakira is different :) She is so happy all th... | 0 |
1177 | ;-) | 0 |
1179 | On 0:02 u can see the camera man on his glasse... | 0 |
1180 | my favorite song | 0 |
1182 | Dumb Guy: Why is there 2 billion views when th... | 0 |
1183 | 1 millioon dislikessssssssssssssssssssssssssss... | 0 |
1184 | He is good boy!!!<br />I am krean I like to em... | 0 |
1185 | I loved this song when I was in my teenage yea... | 0 |
1187 | watch this with sound off! | 0 |
1189 | Lol this youtuber (officialpsy) is getting so ... | 0 |
1190 | Amazing song | 0 |
1192 | I guss this song is one of my worst fears in l... | 0 |
1193 | cooooooooooooolllllllllll | 0 |
1194 | Not bad | 0 |
1195 | Love it | 0 |
1196 | still listening in 2015 | 0 |
1198 | GREAT!!! | 0 |
1200 | good!! | 0 |
1202 | This video will get to 2 billion just because ... | 0 |
1203 | Awesome video this is one of my favorite song... | 0 |
1206 | this song is racist | 0 |
1207 | LMFAO! | 0 |
1208 | When I hear Katy singing this, I cry. The song... | 0 |
1210 | I don't understand this song, I have had t... | 0 |
1211 | im still watching in 2015 | 0 |
1213 | so beutiful | 0 |
1214 | i think about 100 millions of the views come f... | 0 |
1215 | Megan Fox is gorg in this!! Eminem is truly th... | 0 |
1217 | this song never get's old <3 | 0 |
1218 | everyday I'm shufflin | 0 |
1222 | wow | 0 |
1223 | This song is the most boring, asinine song I h... | 0 |
1225 | Katy has conqueror's haki >:) | 0 |
1228 | I hear this all the time on radio and its real... | 0 |
1231 | This was such an epic track. And the video is ... | 0 |
1234 | This video is so racist!!! There are only anim... | 0 |
1235 | This makes me miss the world cup | 0 |
1236 | Great music anyway | 0 |
1237 | katy is mine the girl of my dreams ♥ | 0 |
1238 | Is this the video that started the whole "got ... | 0 |
1240 | You know a song sucks dick when you need to us... | 0 |
1241 | :) | 0 |
1242 | eminem - RIHANNA | 0 |
1243 | why does the world not shuffle??? | 0 |
1244 | This looks so fun and it's a good song | 0 |
1250 | Good times ... | 0 |
1251 | NOKIA spotted | 0 |
1252 | BR | 0 |
1254 | Mix - PSY - GANGNAM STYLE (강남스타일) M/V: PSY - G... | 0 |
1256 | Rihanna is so beautiful and amazing ♥♥♥♥♥love ... | 0 |
1257 | I love this-the talents of eminem and Skylar,w... | 0 |
1258 | LMFAO!!!!!!!! | 0 |
1263 | Katy Perry - Roar (Official): http://youtu.be/... | 0 |
1265 | Every day I'm Shuffling ! | 0 |
1267 | Hey, it's Charlie from Lost | 0 |
1271 | her voice is so wow! | 0 |
1272 | i love this song so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... | 0 |
1273 | Like this in 2015! :D | 0 |
1275 | Can somebody wake me up when we get to 3 billi... | 0 |
1276 | I like this song very much | 0 |
1279 | Rihanna is absolutely gorgeous in this video. | 0 |
1280 | Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!💜 | 0 |
1282 | *KATY YOU ARE A SHIT GO DIE!!!!!ROAR IS A FLOO... | 0 |
1283 | no where near one of eminems actual best songs... | 0 |
1284 | The best Song i saw ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘... | 0 |
1287 | song is bad | 0 |
1290 | still.. this reminds me of 1 years back when i... | 0 |
1293 | 2015<br />I like video | 0 |
1294 | Love this song makes me wanna dance! | 0 |
1295 | now its 1,884,034,783 views! pls. comment the ... | 0 |
1299 | I love song | 0 |
1300 | Party rock anthem is love,party rock anthem is... | 0 |
1306 | This song never gets old love it. | 0 |
1308 | 5 years... | 0 |
1310 | Is that Charlie from lost?<br /> | 0 |
1316 | Party Rock....lol...who wants to shuffle!!! | 0 |
1317 | I love this song so much | 0 |
1323 | So he's admitting he killed his girlfriend... | 0 |
1325 | i love you katy perry because you will sing ni... | 0 |
1329 | I loved, she is amazing.. OMG your eyes*_* | 0 |
1332 | The population of world is more than 7 billion | 0 |
1333 | awesome | 0 |
1334 | Justin bieber = gay | 0 |
1337 | Katy Perry - Roar (Official) #soundsofsunday ... | 0 |
1343 | I lovee it ♥ | 0 |
1347 | I love the way you lie | 0 |
1348 | Never gets old best song ever ❤ | 0 |
1351 | 2011- the last year of decent music. | 0 |
1353 | That was very good I mean very very much good | 0 |
1355 | Katy Perry's songs are the best of the songs o... | 0 |
1356 | Wow | 0 |
1358 | Like | 0 |
1360 | thumb up if you watching in 2015 and you like... | 0 |
1362 | BEAUTIFUL | 0 |
1365 | Why the fuck this keeps updated? Comments :"5 ... | 0 |
1366 | Love song | 0 |
1367 | This song is so beauty | 0 |
1370 | Can we reach 3 billion views by December 2014? | 0 |
1372 | Is that tiger called 'Katty Purry'? | 0 |
1373 | I remember this :D | 0 |
1374 | Really good song .<br />you know love song song. | 0 |
1375 | the views...... They're over 90,000!!!!!!!... | 0 |
1376 | OMG this oldspice spraytan party commercial om... | 0 |
1377 | imagine if this guy put adsense on with all th... | 0 |
1379 | Rihanna looks so beautiful with red hair ;) | 0 |
1382 | This song is about Rape and Cheating <br /... | 0 |
1386 | C'mon 3 billion views!!!!!!!! | 0 |
1388 | Great.This is a song | 0 |
1390 | who the fuck cheats on megan fox | 0 |
1391 | 860,000,000 lets make it first female to reach... | 0 |
1394 | It's so funny it's awesomeness lol aaaaaaa sex... | 0 |
1396 | just came to check the view count | 0 |
1401 | Wow 23 min ago | 0 |
1403 | i like this song the video goes perfect with it | 0 |
1405 | So,cool!! | 0 |
1406 | beautiful song! | 0 |
1409 | i remember this song! | 0 |
1411 | I am going to blow my mind | 0 |
1412 | Great song | 0 |
1413 | The best FIFA world cup song for sure. | 0 |
1417 | I know it old song but (like) if you watching ... | 0 |
1418 | My telephone! | 0 |
1419 | i love Rihanna 😍😍😍😍[♧from Thailand♧] | 0 |
1420 | OMG over 2 billion views! | 0 |
1424 | Party rock | 0 |
1427 | see it all, human folly right? | 0 |
1429 | Me and my aunt love this song!!!!! | 0 |
1432 | how is this shit still relevant | 0 |
1433 | Fuck Eminem. Bieber is the best <3 | 0 |
1434 | i like this steps... | 0 |
1435 | mindblowing dance.,.,.superbbb song | 0 |
1437 | Katy has a voice of an Angel | 0 |
1438 | I like | 0 |
1441 | the most viewed youtube video of all time? | 0 |
1447 | nice song | 0 |
1450 | Wow dance show | 0 |
1451 | I cried this song bringing back some hard memo... | 0 |
1452 | Party time! | 0 |
1454 | Shakira I love you | 0 |
1456 | I always end up coming back to this song<br /> | 0 |
1458 | Eminem - Love the way you lie ♥ ♥ ♥ | 0 |
1459 | wierd but funny | 0 |
1460 | is it bad that my realtionship is just like th... | 0 |
1462 | This Will Always Be My Favorite Song<br />But ... | 0 |
1467 | this has so many views | 0 |
1469 | 2015 <3 | 0 |
1471 | Screw this Chinese crap i dont even understand... | 0 |
1472 | Waka waka | 0 |
1473 | god she is so sexy! drives me crazy! | 0 |
1474 | It is a shit | 0 |
1476 | I swear Shakira keeps getting more and more go... | 0 |
1477 | The best song ever! | 0 |
1481 | God she is so hot | 0 |
1483 | Love the way you lie II is nicer in my opinion... | 0 |
1485 | Like | 0 |
1486 | Since when has Katy Perry had her own YouTube ... | 0 |
1490 | I hav absolutely no idea what he's saying. Is ... | 0 |
1491 | the best! | 0 |
1492 | best rap ever | 0 |
1500 | Simply rap god | 0 |
1502 | I love eminem <3 | 0 |
1503 | Love this song makes me wanna dance! | 0 |
1505 | Like eminen | 0 |
1506 | are there people who like this shit? hahah... | 0 |
1509 | 😫😓😏😪😔😖😌😭😎😚😘😙😗😋😝😜😛😍😒😞😷😶😵😳😲😱😟😰😩😨😧😦😥😤😣😮😴😢😡😠😬😕😑😐😯😉... | 0 |
1511 | cool song ever good thing its here | 0 |
1512 | great song you go katy! | 0 |
1521 | really want this video to get 1 billion views,... | 0 |
1528 | I think this is now a place to promote channel... | 0 |
1533 | 2015 but Im still listening to this! | 0 |
1536 | wow | 0 |
1537 | Nice song ^_^ | 0 |
1538 | beautiful | 0 |
1539 | YOUTUBE MONEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 0 |
1540 | hot,hot | 0 |
1541 | How is this the most watched Eminem video, it ... | 0 |
1544 | The rap: cool Rihanna: STTUUPID | 0 |
1547 | beautiful | 0 |
1549 | Fantastic!!! | 0 |
1551 | To everyone joking about how he hacked to get ... | 0 |
1552 | Hello Brazil 😻✌💓😻👏 | 0 |
1554 | love the way you lie featuring rhianna, hes an... | 0 |
1555 | Party rock due and duel | 0 |
1558 | Maybe the best music video in the last 15 year... | 0 |
1559 | she is sooooo beautiful! | 0 |
1561 | How do you forget you have a choice, and what ... | 0 |
1563 | <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQ6zr6... | 0 |
1565 | Why does this video have so many views? Becaus... | 0 |
1566 | 1,000,000 VIEWS NEAR | 0 |
1567 | This is fucking shit. From the first notes, th... | 0 |
1568 | this song is better then monster by eminem | 0 |
1570 | Gooooood | 0 |
1571 | She's awesome XD | 0 |
1572 | I remember that torunament like it was today. | 0 |
1573 | SUPER!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... | 0 |
1574 | People who believe in Illuminati are stupid th... | 0 |
1577 | What my gangnam style | 0 |
1583 | shakira is best for worldcup | 0 |
1585 | Laughing My Fucking Ass Off!!! | 0 |
1587 | I love you Eminem | 0 |
1591 | Who is still watching in 2015 | 0 |
1595 | <3 | 0 |
1597 | Good thing she brought her spray-on tan, hairs... | 0 |
1600 | love this song | 0 |
1601 | never gets old | 0 |
1602 | 2015!! LLIKEE!! | 0 |
1603 | that time in 2011 where this shirt was cool | 0 |
1606 | Made five years ago and people still don't... | 0 |
1607 | Since she is a feminist champion, why would sh... | 0 |
1611 | Don't love someone soo much, love the way ... | 0 |
1612 | ''Little Psy, only 5 months left.. Tumor in th... | 0 |
1614 | i hate rap | 0 |
1616 | That's Good :) | 0 |
1619 | I love katty perry | 0 |
1626 | This is getting old......... | 0 |
1629 | Is that Megan Fox? | 0 |
1633 | Nice love itttttttt wurkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk... | 0 |
1634 | Still watching this 2 years later? | 0 |
1635 | I like this song<br /> | 0 |
1638 | super music | 0 |
1640 | Perfect! <3 | 0 |
1642 | Best song ever | 0 |
1644 | selfie alert | 0 |
1648 | waka waka | 0 |
1651 | you cant stop the shuffle | 0 |
1652 | I want to see Shakira, not football :) | 0 |
1653 | Dance :) | 0 |
1654 | Omg it's going to have 1bi views! | 0 |
1655 | Imagine this in the news crazy woman found act... | 0 |
1656 | so cute that monkey *-*! | 0 |
1657 | I want new song | 0 |
1658 | Shakira | 0 |
1661 | Cool song | 0 |
1662 | it pisses me off a bit that blank space has mo... | 0 |
1664 | Remeber when this song was good | 0 |
1666 | #2012bitches | 0 |
1668 | Came here to check the views, goodbye. | 0 |
1670 | I could hear this for years ;3 | 0 |
1671 | love | 0 |
1673 | There is 7 bilion poeple on earth Now stop bei... | 0 |
1674 | 5 years ago damn | 0 |
1675 | most viewed video in the world | 0 |
1676 | Boooobs | 0 |
1679 | 5th most viewed video.. i guess | 0 |
1680 | lets get it to 1 BILLION | 0 |
1682 | I really like this song. | 0 |
1683 | She's such an awesome entertainer. And pre... | 0 |
1684 | I love this song!!! | 0 |
1686 | she is megan fox?because she is very similar | 0 |
1691 | super | 0 |
1697 | I can't comprehend why this video has nearly 7... | 0 |
1698 | The boyfriend was Charlie from the TV show LOST | 0 |
1700 | Hello all 29.24% earth population of the world... | 0 |
1702 | Eminem THE BEST ! | 0 |
1712 | she is beautiful but it is not American! | 0 |
1713 | LOVE THIS SONG!!! | 0 |
1715 | I've figured out why I dislike this song: it's... | 0 |
1721 | 870,000,000 views...566,000 comments...oh my l... | 0 |
1722 | Sick Music for sick females | 0 |
1731 | I love this shit but I disliked it because it'... | 0 |
1733 | cool | 0 |
1734 | who is going to reach the billion first : katy... | 0 |
1739 | Its a good song and i like her video clip, bec... | 0 |
1740 | like me | 0 |
1743 | Love this song | 0 |
1744 | ROAAAAARRRRRR 🐯🐯🐯 | 0 |
1746 | Wow. Comments section on this still active. No... | 0 |
1747 | love the you lie the good | 0 |
1748 | Nice | 0 |
1749 | wow!!!!!! increible song!!!!!!!!! | 0 |
1753 | Love your song makes me happy | 0 |
1754 | super nice, love musique | 0 |
1756 | Shakira - Waka Waka <br />LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!!... | 0 |
1758 | Something to dance to, even if your sad JUST ... | 0 |
1759 | She is perfect! <3 | 0 |
1761 | Katy Perry You Are Looking Soo PRETTY DAMN CUT... | 0 |
1762 | How stupid humanity is | 0 |
1763 | HONESTLY, I WANNA SEE YOU BE BRAVE! oh wait... | 0 |
1766 | Shakira :-* | 0 |
1767 | I started hating Katy Perry after finding out ... | 0 |
1768 | What's with the guys jacket? 1 sleeve and ... | 0 |
1771 | With the korean girl more slut and bitch : Hyu... | 0 |
1774 | Roar is without a doubt your best song...feel ... | 0 |
1775 | And i´m Shufflin still today :D | 0 |
1777 | I don't think this song will ever get old | 0 |
1778 | I still to this day wonder why this video is s... | 0 |
1781 | Man this song really does get in your bones - ... | 0 |
1788 | awesome song ever | 0 |
1789 | JUST DANCE 3 😂😂😂 | 0 |
1790 | Damn, this was everywhere | 0 |
1791 | I heard this when I was only 6 years old and I... | 0 |
1793 | this song is fu cking awesom!!!!!!! | 0 |
1796 | You can not hate eminem and nirvana...trust me | 0 |
1801 | This song is special, because is a song for Af... | 0 |
1803 | My friend Sam loves this song😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊... | 0 |
1805 | why I dont see any comments but mine?:/ | 0 |
1809 | Party in da 🏠 tonight 👐👐👐👐👐👐 | 0 |
1812 | Wow...5 years<br /> | 0 |
1813 | She is a perfect wonder..... | 0 |
1816 | so many comments. | 0 |
1817 | Put famous people in the jungle for an hour an... | 0 |
1819 | Waka best one | 0 |
1820 | How could 108k people dislike this song or video | 0 |
1821 | OPPA GANGNAM STYLE!!! | 0 |
1823 | Man she is BEAUTIFUL! | 0 |
1825 | this video is very inaccurate, a tiger would r... | 0 |
1826 | good music | 0 |
1829 | I love this sooooooooooooong I love katy perry | 0 |
1831 | Ouf Ouf OUFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!! :) | 0 |
1832 | I love you!❤✨ | 0 |
1833 | <3 this song so much.SHAKIRA YOUR A REALLY ... | 0 |
1835 | 2,124923004 wiews... wow | 0 |
1839 | 1000000000 views. | 0 |
1840 | I really am madly in love with this woman!! | 0 |
1841 | Awesome | 0 |
1844 | Anyone else think this video theme is a bit of... | 0 |
1846 | I love | 0 |
1848 | this jap is such a piece of shit. he is such a... | 0 |
1849 | She's so pretty | 0 |
1853 | katy perry does remind me of a tiger,like as i... | 0 |
1854 | The funny thing is, 1,700,000,000 of the views... | 0 |
1856 | Love | 0 |
1857 | how does this video have 2,127,322,484 views i... | 0 |
1858 | What does that tattoo on her right tricep say? | 0 |
1859 | I love your music | 0 |
1864 | Why there are so many dislikes. This song is s... | 0 |
1865 | Every single one of his songs brings me back t... | 0 |
1869 | love!!!! | 0 |
1873 | shakira is the best! | 0 |
1875 | PARTY ROCK (8) ~ | 0 |
1876 | The first comment is chuck norrus ovbiously :D | 0 |
1877 | Still a very fun music video to watch! | 0 |
1881 | I hate this song! | 0 |
1882 | I love this song because we sing it at Camp al... | 0 |
1884 | I always have goose bumps at that part | 0 |
1885 | I shuffled while listening to this song. THE I... | 0 |
1888 | Katy Perry - Roar (Official): http://youtu.be/... | 0 |
1893 | LOVE TROP FORT VOTRE clip | 0 |
1897 | You are all sheep, period. This is terrible mu... | 0 |
1901 | This song is so AWESOME!!!She made everything ... | 0 |
1904 | I love this song up to the moon >3 you are ... | 0 |
1907 | I'm sorry Katy Perry, I was being weird. I sti... | 0 |
1908 | Love it when I can relate to my daughter's mus... | 0 |
1911 | This song is just really fun | 0 |
1914 | I love this song | 0 |
1915 | I hate rap and I like this song | 0 |
1916 | She's got it all. Incredible voice, extremely ... | 0 |
1918 | PSY - GANGNAM STYLE (강남스타일) M/V: http://youtu.... | 0 |
1920 | In my opinion I think you look better with bla... | 0 |
1922 | nice song | 0 |
1924 | One of the best song of all the time | 0 |
1925 | i totally love this song. absolutely fantastic... | 0 |
1927 | I lover this song | 0 |
1931 | i love song :) | 0 |
1932 | Shakira :-* | 0 |
1933 | we all love you Katy Perry <3 | 0 |
1935 | GANGMAN STY- *D-D-D-D-D-D--DROP THE BASS!!* | 0 |
1936 | Shuffle | 0 |
1937 | And somehow she has access to makeup in the mi... | 0 |
1938 | It makes me happy instantly, and makes me forg... | 0 |
1939 | is that Megan fox | 0 |
1942 | Admit it you just came here to check the numbe... | 0 |
1943 | i am 2,126,492,636 viewer :D | 0 |
1944 | The Funny Thing Is That this song was made in ... | 0 |
1945 | 2 billion....Coming soon | 0 |
1947 | DAMNNNNNNNN, she is sexy O_O | 0 |
1948 | Most viewed video on youtube...daaaaaaaaaaannn... | 0 |
1951 | Very Nice !!!<br />Yeah Fucking. | 0 |
1952 | Its 2015 and still shuffling to this song🎶🎵🎧 | 0 |
1954 | I love you | 0 |
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228 | https://www.facebook.com/pages/Brew-Crew-2014/... | 1 |
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353 | Check out our cover of this song! | 1 |
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373 | Share Eminem's Artist of the Year video so... | 1 |
374 | SnEakiESTG Good Music. Hood Muzik Subscribe 2 ... | 1 |
377 | **CHECK OUT MY NEW MIXTAPE**** **CHECK OUT MY ... | 1 |
378 | Check out my channel for funny skits! Thanks! | 1 |
379 | Hey guys can you check my YouTube channel I kn... | 1 |
380 | Youtube comments in a nut shell:<br /><br />.F... | 1 |
382 | http://www.gcmforex.com/partners/aw.aspx?Task=... | 1 |
383 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
386 | Subscribe to me and I'll subscribe back!!! | 1 |
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395 | Check out my channel :) | 1 |
396 | <a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag" href="htt... | 1 |
398 | I hope everyone is in good spirits I'm a h... | 1 |
399 | want to win borderlands the pre-sequel? check ... | 1 |
400 | You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY w... | 1 |
409 | Check out this playlist on YouTube:m | 1 |
410 | A friend of mine has invented a big dick form... | 1 |
411 | https://www.facebook.com/antrobofficial | 1 |
412 | Come and check out my music!Im spamming on loa... | 1 |
415 | HEY GUYS!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ BEFORE YOU IGNORE ME, PLE... | 1 |
418 | White people are going extinct for more inform... | 1 |
421 | check out my new video | 1 |
424 | Subscribe & Like /watch?v=5tu9gN1l310 | 1 |
425 | Hi.Check out and share our songs. | 1 |
428 | check out fantasy music right here -------&... | 1 |
432 | Subscribe me, I will? subscribe you back!!! | 1 |
433 | Yo like what up this song is fricking beast an... | 1 |
435 | Hey yall its the real Kevin Hart, shout out to... | 1 |
436 | GO TO MY CHANNEL and check out my written songs | 1 |
437 | Please check out my acoustic cover channel :) ... | 1 |
440 | Help me get 50 subs please | 1 |
441 | Subscribe to me for free Android games, apps.. | 1 |
442 | Check me out I'm all about gaming | 1 |
443 | Check out my mummy chanel! | 1 |
446 | Hey dickwad - we're all africans. The colo... | 1 |
450 | subscribers please` | 1 |
452 | This past Christmas my dad passed away, to hel... | 1 |
453 | Pls follow this channel!! http://www.twitch.tv... | 1 |
454 | Lil m !!!!! Check hi out!!!!! Does live the wa... | 1 |
457 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
461 | Hey guys, I'm a human.<br /><br /><br />Bu... | 1 |
464 | ┏━━━┓┏┓╋┏┓┏━━━┓┏━━━┓┏┓╋╋┏┓ ┃┏━┓┃┃┃╋┃┃┃┏━┓┃┗┓┏... | 1 |
469 | hey its M.E.S here I'm a young up and comi... | 1 |
470 | Subscribe and Win a CAP<br /> ☆☆☆☆☆ | 1 |
471 | Check out this playlist on YouTube: | 1 |
472 | Follow me watch my videos :) Follow me watch m... | 1 |
473 | Hey guys im a 17yr old rapper trying to get ex... | 1 |
474 | For all you ladies out there...... Check out ... | 1 |
475 | im M.E.S an aspiring young rapper with high ho... | 1 |
480 | https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=76... | 1 |
481 | YouTube collaborator's anyone? subscribe t... | 1 |
483 | Hey come check us out were new on youtube let ... | 1 |
484 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
486 | Check out Berzerk video on my channel ! :D | 1 |
487 | http://www.ermail.pl/dolacz/UnNfY2I= ... | 1 |
489 | Check out this playlist on YouTube:🍴🍴🏄🏄🏄🍴🏄🏄🏄🏄🏊... | 1 |
490 | Subscribe and like my video please | 1 |
495 | http://hackfbaccountlive.com/?ref=4436607 psy... | 1 |
496 | Check out my SEXY VIDEO :* | 1 |
498 | hi guys please my android photo editor downloa... | 1 |
500 | this video has 800+m views<br />and the channe... | 1 |
503 | share your thoughts | 1 |
504 | My friends wife earns 4000DOLLARS a month ,you... | 1 |
506 | Hello! Do you like gaming, art videos, scienti... | 1 |
507 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
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511 | There is one video on my channel about my brot... | 1 |
515 | Who's watching in 2015 Subscribe for me ! | 1 |
516 | Please check out my New Song (Music Video) AD ... | 1 |
518 | Look and shares my video please :D | 1 |
520 | want a sub? tell me about your channel and i w... | 1 |
524 | Check out this playlist on YouTube: | 1 |
526 | https://www.facebook.com/tofikmiedzynB/photos/... | 1 |
527 | im sorry for the spam but My name is Jenny. I ... | 1 |
531 | ******* Facebook is LAME and so 2004! Check ou... | 1 |
533 | if your like drones, plz subscribe to Kamal Ta... | 1 |
535 | Hey guys check out my new channel and our firs... | 1 |
537 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
538 | Hello! I'm Marian, I'm a singer from Venezuela... | 1 |
539 | Take a look at this video on YouTube: | 1 |
540 | Add me here...https://www.facebook.com/TLouXmu... | 1 |
545 | I really ask nicely to view my vids:) I subscr... | 1 |
546 | Hello Guys...I Found a Way to Make Money Onlin... | 1 |
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551 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
554 | Great video by a great artist in Katy Perry! A... | 1 |
555 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
556 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
557 | subscribe to me | 1 |
560 | Hi everyone! My dream is to have passionate se... | 1 |
561 | Check out this playlist on YouTube: | 1 |
562 | Every weekend a new lyric video of Eminem here... | 1 |
563 | Dance dance,,,,,Psy http://www.reverbnation.c... | 1 |
567 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
568 | I agree they are just damn spammers. They suck... | 1 |
569 | Please visit this Website: oldchat.tk | 1 |
570 | Check out my bass cover of hips don't lie ... | 1 |
571 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
574 | Hey Guys Jaylan Here And I Just Wanted Everybo... | 1 |
577 | Subscribe and u are gonna hear me roar ;) | 1 |
579 | How To Make A Lot Of Money Fast | 1 |
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594 | Pleas subscribe my channel | 1 |
596 | Hey ! I know most people don't like these kind... | 1 |
597 | Check out my music niggas | 1 |
601 | I personally have never been in a abusive rela... | 1 |
602 | You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY w... | 1 |
604 | like this comment if your watching in 2015 or ... | 1 |
606 | Believe that Jesus Christ is your savior for a... | 1 |
610 | Come and watch my video it is called the odowd... | 1 |
611 | Check out this playlist on YouTube: | 1 |
612 | Hey guys! I've made a amazing Smiley T-Shirt.O... | 1 |
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635 | Check out this video on YouTube:lo | 1 |
637 | I love this!!!!! This is one of my fave songs ... | 1 |
643 | Please check out my youtube channel! Just uplo... | 1 |
646 | https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=543627... | 1 |
647 | Go to my channel if u want to see a fly gettin... | 1 |
651 | Media is Evil! Please see and share: W W W. TH... | 1 |
653 | There are beautiful songs please subscribe | 1 |
656 | Do you need more instagram followers or photo ... | 1 |
658 | You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY w... | 1 |
660 | CHECK OUT partyman318 FR GOOD TUNEZ!! :D | 1 |
661 | like this comment if you're watching this ... | 1 |
665 | Check out my channel im 15 year old rapper! | 1 |
667 | and how many subscribers compared to her over ... | 1 |
670 | Check Out The New Hot Video By Dante B Called ... | 1 |
672 | adf.ly / KlD3Y | 1 |
673 | <a href="http://www.gofundme.com/Helpmypitbull... | 1 |
674 | Hello Guys...I Found a Way to Make Money Onlin... | 1 |
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677 | https://www.tsu.co/Aseris get money here ! | 1 |
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686 | Hey guys! Im a 12 yr old music producer. I mak... | 1 |
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690 | You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY w... | 1 |
692 | hi guys check my youtube channel | 1 |
696 | Hey Music Fans I really appreciate any of you ... | 1 |
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703 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
704 | I absolutely adore watching football plus I’ve... | 1 |
705 | youtube.com/watch?v=2ASFn9ShgHk&feature=yo... | 1 |
709 | i can to make money | 1 |
710 | Check out this video on YouTube: <a rel="nofol... | 1 |
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715 | Check out this video on YouTube: I | 1 |
718 | http://www.ebay.com/usr/shoecollector314 | 1 |
719 | Please Subscribe In My Channel → | 1 |
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724 | SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... | 1 |
725 | hey again if you guys wouldnt mind chacking ou... | 1 |
726 | Hello everyone :) I know most of you probably ... | 1 |
729 | Nice to meet You - this is Johnny: 1. If You a... | 1 |
731 | katy is beautiful. and this song is catchy. I'... | 1 |
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736 | Check my channel, please! | 1 |
741 | http://hackfbaccountlive.com/?ref=5242575 | 1 |
742 | Aye homies check out our remix to 50 Cent Your... | 1 |
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747 | Nezo and Ed<br />Like&share this page on f... | 1 |
748 | subcribe to us an we will subscribe back | 1 |
750 | *****PLEASE READ***** Hey everyone! I'm a... | 1 |
751 | Hey youtubers... I really appreciate all of yo... | 1 |
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755 | This guy win dollars sleeping... m m m he love... | 1 |
757 | :D subscribe to me for daily vines | 1 |
758 | plz subscribe to my channel i need subs and if... | 1 |
759 | Please check out my vidios | 1 |
763 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
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771 | Subscribe to my channel :) <3 | 1 |
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773 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
776 | Hey Music Fans I really appreciate any of you ... | 1 |
777 | Check out this video on YouTube: <br /> | 1 |
779 | pleas subscribe on me for ps4 games video <br ... | 1 |
780 | Katy perry is and inspirational singer her voi... | 1 |
782 | Check out this video on YouTube: <a href="http... | 1 |
783 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
784 | Check out this playlist on YouTube<br /> | 1 |
785 | hey you ! check out the channel of Alvar Lake !! | 1 |
787 | https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hiphop-Express/... | 1 |
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792 | Terrance. .thank you for serving our country. ... | 1 |
794 | 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨<br />NOW THAT I HAVE YOUR ATT... | 1 |
795 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
796 | subscribe now!!!!!! love the song!!!!!! love f... | 1 |
800 | Can i get views and subscribers for no reason? 😅 | 1 |
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802 | Visit my channel | 1 |
803 | if you like raw talent, raw lyrics, straight r... | 1 |
805 | Hey guys whats up? I found this app that lets ... | 1 |
806 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
808 | http://www.mediafire.com/download/yvovhafsv5qz... | 1 |
809 | EVERYONE GO AND SHARE youtu be/ARkglzjQuP0 ON... | 1 |
811 | <a href="https://m.freemyapps.com/share/url/50... | 1 |
812 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
816 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
817 | Definitley the song for 2010 when im not liste... | 1 |
818 | Check Out The New Hot Video By Dante B Called ... | 1 |
826 | The new Makeup Transformation with Integrated ... | 1 |
834 | Hey check out our new musicvideo ''Lif... | 1 |
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836 | if i reach 100 subscribers i will go round in ... | 1 |
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843 | Hi -this is Johnny: 1. If You already know my ... | 1 |
845 | adam b beats check out my page | 1 |
848 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
849 | You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY w... | 1 |
852 | i love this so much. AND also I Generate Free ... | 1 |
854 | http://www.twitch.tv/jaroadc come follow and w... | 1 |
855 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
857 | Check out this playlist on YouTube: | 1 |
861 | Finally someone shares the same opinion as me.... | 1 |
862 | Fuck it was the best ever 0687119038 nummber o... | 1 |
863 | Hey, check out my new website!! This site is a... | 1 |
864 | WHATS UP EVERYONE!? :-) I Trying To Showcase M... | 1 |
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869 | Check out this playlist on YouTube: | 1 |
870 | http://www.ebay.com/itm/131338190916?ssPageNam... | 1 |
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872 | You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY w... | 1 |
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885 | Hey guys! My mom said if i got 100 subs before... | 1 |
886 | CHECK OUT THIS DOPE CHANNEL! phenomenallyri... | 1 |
888 | Plizz withing my channel | 1 |
890 | Check out this playlist on YouTube: | 1 |
892 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
893 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
897 | Man she is hot in this one, male companions vi... | 1 |
900 | Need money ? check my channel and subscribe,so... | 1 |
902 | Check out this playlist on YouTube: | 1 |
903 | Subscribe to me plz plz plz plz plz plZ | 1 |
908 | Still amazing this song!! I did a French Kpop ... | 1 |
909 | I did a cover if u want to check it out THANK ... | 1 |
910 | Subscribe to my channel | 1 |
912 | You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY w... | 1 |
915 | https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=448317985... | 1 |
916 | http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/6381501/Timothy... | 1 |
919 | Hi guys my name is Dylan and I do IRL football... | 1 |
920 | Hey! I'm a 16 Year old rapper from Texas I... | 1 |
921 | sorry for the spam yall I know it’s annoying. ... | 1 |
922 | Hi guys ! ! Check Out My Remixes ! ! Thanx Y... | 1 |
926 | Check out this video on YouTube:but I'm no... | 1 |
927 | Please help me go here http://www.gofundme.com... | 1 |
931 | Like this comment for no reason | 1 |
935 | visit " ww estiloproduction com " be... | 1 |
936 | Subscribe To Mê Please Guys | 1 |
944 | Hey, I am doing the Forty Hour famine so I'... | 1 |
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952 | Like this comment for no reason | 1 |
957 | coby this USL and past :<br /><a href="http://... | 1 |
961 | share and like this page to win a hand signed ... | 1 |
967 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
969 | Subscribe to my channel <br />Tweet & Foll... | 1 |
970 | Check out this playlist on YouTube:י<br /><br ... | 1 |
971 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
972 | YAY IM THE 11TH COMMENTER!!!!! ... | 1 |
973 | Show your AUBURN PRIDE HERE: http://www.teespr... | 1 |
976 | Eminem is the king of rap Micheal Jackson i... | 1 |
977 | Check out this playlist on YouTube: | 1 |
978 | Follow me on Instagram. _chris_cz | 1 |
980 | <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/10087... | 1 |
982 | subscribe to my channel yo - DJ Feelz | 1 |
983 | man check out the raps on my channel im better... | 1 |
984 | Check out this funny video "Cereal Box Kn... | 1 |
985 | Hello from Russia comes to the channel subscribe | 1 |
987 | My videos are half way decent, check them out ... | 1 |
988 | plz i wilsubscribe me frndzzl subscribe u back | 1 |
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990 | Hay dakota u earned a subscribee | 1 |
993 | subscribe to my channel /watch?v=NxK32i0HkDs | 1 |
994 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1000 | https://www.facebook.com/SchoolGeniusNITS/phot... | 1 |
1004 | watch?v=ARkglzjQuP0 Like this comment and shar... | 1 |
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1008 | No long paragraph just check out my song calle... | 1 |
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1010 | Subscribe my channel I RECORDING FIFA 15 GOAL... | 1 |
1011 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1012 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1014 | Thumbs up if FE-FE-FE-FE-FEGELEIN brought u here | 1 |
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1050 | sub me if you dont like the song | 1 |
1051 | Hello everyone :) I know most of you probably ... | 1 |
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1056 | hey guys!! visit my channel pleaase (i'm searc... | 1 |
1057 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
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1063 | Pleas subscribe GamezZ MTA my channel<br /> | 1 |
1064 | hey its M.E.S here I'm a young up and comi... | 1 |
1067 | I just wanna see how many people like this com... | 1 |
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1076 | Check out this video on YouTube:الإعلانات<br /... | 1 |
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1078 | share and like this page to win a hand signed ... | 1 |
1080 | subscribe me plzzzzzzz plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... | 1 |
1081 | Hey Guys this is Glamour Beauty! I just starte... | 1 |
1082 | VOTE FOR KATY FOR THE EMAs! #KATYCATS http://... | 1 |
1083 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
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1086 | Check out my drum cover of E.T. here! thanks -... | 1 |
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1119 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
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1126 | Wanna Laugh??? Please SUBSCRIBE to our channel!!! | 1 |
1130 | Hey guys and girls check out Comedy Recipe for... | 1 |
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1135 | Could you please check out my covers on my cha... | 1 |
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1151 | Hey? Everyone Please take a moment to read thi... | 1 |
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1160 | check out my Eminem & Kid Cudi M a s h up ... | 1 |
1165 | Check my channel | 1 |
1169 | I Know Y'all Can Check Out Amy Music Becau... | 1 |
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1172 | Hello! I'm kind of new to Youtube, And soon i'... | 1 |
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1178 | Such a good song ans Katy sounds great over th... | 1 |
1181 | You should check my channel for Funny VIDEOS!! | 1 |
1186 | Please.. Check my channel out:) I subscribe ba... | 1 |
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1201 | You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY w... | 1 |
1204 | :) I'll subscribe to you. You look Nice :) | 1 |
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1212 | Like this comment if you are watching on a phone | 1 |
1216 | You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY w... | 1 |
1219 | Check me out! I'm kyle. I rap so yeah | 1 |
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1230 | Katty perry please say in one of your new vide... | 1 |
1232 | Check out my youtube channel for cool beatboxi... | 1 |
1233 | Hey guys subscribe to my chanel and i will sub... | 1 |
1239 | Check out my acoustic channel | 1 |
1245 | Subscribe and like to me for more how to video... | 1 |
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1247 | http://www.rtbf.be/tv/emission/detail_the-voic... | 1 |
1248 | like please | 1 |
1249 | hey its M.E.S here I'm a young up and comi... | 1 |
1253 | https://www.tsu.co/KodysMan plz ^^ | 1 |
1255 | DOWNLOAD RAPID FACEBOOK FOR FREE NOW https://p... | 1 |
1259 | check out you tube keithlinscotts one word kei... | 1 |
1262 | hahahahah ♥♥♥♥ :D like vines ? Subscribe to m... | 1 |
1264 | please suscribe i am bored of 5 subscribers tr... | 1 |
1266 | Check out my remix to Tyga's - Molly ft. W... | 1 |
1268 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1269 | Hiya😊 I just started YouTube and it would mean... | 1 |
1270 | Please subscribe to us and thank you | 1 |
1274 | Hey plz check out my music video. Thanks!! :-) | 1 |
1277 | http://www.wattpad.com/story/26032883-she-can-... | 1 |
1278 | hahahahah ♥♥♥♥ :D like vines ? Subscribe to m... | 1 |
1281 | if watching in 2015 subscribe to <span class="... | 1 |
1285 | https://www.tsu.co/ToMeks Go register ;) free ... | 1 |
1286 | Discover a beautiful song of A young Moroccan ... | 1 |
1288 | Im gonna share a little ryhme canibus blows em... | 1 |
1289 | 3m subscribers but look at the views its 700 m... | 1 |
1291 | I am so awesome and smart!!! Sucscribe to me! | 1 |
1292 | Our Beautiful Bella has been diagnosed with Wo... | 1 |
1296 | *for 90's rap fans* check out my Big Pun ... | 1 |
1298 | Check out this playlist on YouTube: | 1 |
1301 | CHECK OUT THE NEW REMIX !!!<br />CLICK CLICK !! | 1 |
1302 | I #votekatyperry for the 2014 MTV #VMA Best Ly... | 1 |
1303 | Check Out LEANDRUS - PLAYTIME It's awesooo... | 1 |
1304 | tryna work with some rappers check out the one... | 1 |
1305 | Check out this playlist on YouTube:pl | 1 |
1307 | if you need youtube subscriber mail hermann bu... | 1 |
1309 | hey guys i really want to go to a katy perry c... | 1 |
1311 | Subscribe me please. i'll promise i'll... | 1 |
1312 | View 851.247.920<br /><br /> Best youtube Vide... | 1 |
1313 | http://hackfbaccountlive.com/?ref=4604617 | 1 |
1314 | Check out my covers please! | 1 |
1318 | Share this video.. This song can beat PSY - Ga... | 1 |
1319 | ••••►►My name is George and let me tell u EMIN... | 1 |
1320 | You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY w... | 1 |
1321 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1322 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1324 | like if ur watchin in 900000000000000000000000... | 1 |
1326 | if you like roblox minecraft world of warcraft... | 1 |
1327 | https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nailey-nicool/6... | 1 |
1328 | marketglory . com/strategygame/andrijamatf ear... | 1 |
1330 | subscribe to my chanell | 1 |
1331 | Like this comment, guys i just started up a ne... | 1 |
1335 | Hello everyone :) I know most of you probably ... | 1 |
1336 | Check out my channel please. | 1 |
1338 | Sub to my channel visuelgamingzNL I sub back | 1 |
1339 | Suscribe My Channel Please XD lol | 1 |
1340 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1341 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1342 | Check out this playlist on YouTube: I tried | 1 |
1344 | 3 yrs ago I had a health scare but thankfully ... | 1 |
1345 | Dear friends please subscribe to my channel I ... | 1 |
1346 | Go check out eminem survival. | 1 |
1349 | Check out these Irish guys cover of Avicii&#... | 1 |
1350 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1352 | Free my apps get 1m crdits ! Just click on the... | 1 |
1354 | The projects After Effects, Music, Foto, Web s... | 1 |
1357 | PLEASE SUBSCRIBE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... | 1 |
1359 | What free gift cards? Go here http://www.swag... | 1 |
1361 | https://www.facebook.com/myfunnyriddles | 1 |
1363 | More... http://www.sunfrogshirts.com/Sunglass-... | 1 |
1364 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1368 | Alright ladies, if you like this song, then ch... | 1 |
1369 | Hey, hit this shit up while yall can, they kil... | 1 |
1371 | Aslamu Lykum... From Pakistan | 1 |
1378 | Subscribe My Channel | 1 |
1381 | Please go in and see our Channel and subscribe... | 1 |
1383 | Do not like this comment if you are not watchi... | 1 |
1384 | Check the shit out on my channel<br /><br /><b... | 1 |
1385 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1387 | this song is awesome. these guys are the best.... | 1 |
1389 | yo I know nobody will probably even read this.... | 1 |
1392 | ********OMG Facebook is OLD! Check out ------... | 1 |
1393 | SIMPLY PUT, OUR CUSTOMERS LOVE US... and so wi... | 1 |
1395 | Check out this video on YouTube:<br /> | 1 |
1397 | Abomination! Subscribe if you agree :| party h... | 1 |
1398 | I like This Comment and do not kill :P | 1 |
1399 | Hey guys can you check my channel out plz. I d... | 1 |
1400 | adam b beats check out my page 2013 | 1 |
1402 | EMINEM FANS!!! - Check Out The New Song "... | 1 |
1404 | Hi there~I'm group leader of Angel, a rookie K... | 1 |
1407 | Check out this playlist on YouTube: | 1 |
1408 | Please look at my channel | 1 |
1414 | Hey guys go to check my video name "growtopia ... | 1 |
1415 | https://www.facebook.com/eeccon/posts/73394924... | 1 |
1416 | New way to make money easily and spending 20 m... | 1 |
1421 | I know that maybe no one will read this but PL... | 1 |
1422 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1423 | subscribe to me :) | 1 |
1425 | if u love rihanna subscribe me | 1 |
1426 | Check Out The New Hot Video By Dante B Called ... | 1 |
1428 | ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL ▬... | 1 |
1430 | https://apps.facebook.com/my-polls/utsitcompet... | 1 |
1431 | Check out this video on YouTube:<br /><br /><b... | 1 |
1436 | wtf. subscribe my channel thanx ;) | 1 |
1439 | http://www.avaaz.org/po/petition/Youtube_Corpo... | 1 |
1440 | :: ATTENTION : WE NEED 10 Million Views More f... | 1 |
1442 | He gets more views but has less subscribers lol | 1 |
1443 | check men out i put allot of effort into my mu... | 1 |
1444 | It's so hard, sad :( iThat little child Actor ... | 1 |
1446 | if u love rihanna subscribe me | 1 |
1448 | Hi. Check out and share our songs. | 1 |
1449 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1453 | GUYS SHARE THIS VIDEO!!!!! HE must have 1.000... | 1 |
1455 | Hey everyone!! I have just started my first Y... | 1 |
1457 | Hello. I only made ONE Eminem song on my chann... | 1 |
1461 | Maybe no one will probably read this. But just... | 1 |
1463 | Like & Subscribe /watch?v=5tu9gN1l310 | 1 |
1464 | Suscribe my channel please | 1 |
1465 | I subscribed it<br /> | 1 |
1466 | Part 5. Comforter of the afflicted, pray for u... | 1 |
1468 | Www.youniqueproducts.com/joannagordon Younique... | 1 |
1470 | Nice! http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/BDP?csrf... | 1 |
1475 | Check out my Music Videos! Fuego - U LA LA Rem... | 1 |
1478 | Hi! I would appreciate it if you all could hel... | 1 |
1479 | Stop Wasting Up Your Time and Get Paid To Mes... | 1 |
1480 | Top three Shakira songs (my choice) <br /><br ... | 1 |
1482 | ....subscribe...... ......to my........ ....... | 1 |
1484 | Like this comment for no reason. | 1 |
1488 | please like :D https://premium.easypromosapp.c... | 1 |
1489 | Please do buy these new Christmas shirts! You ... | 1 |
1493 | Go check out my rapping video called Four Whee... | 1 |
1494 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1495 | http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa... | 1 |
1496 | Check Out The New Hot Video By Dante B Called ... | 1 |
1499 | Hey, join me on tsū, a publishing platform whe... | 1 |
1501 | Hey everyone. Watch this trailer!!!!!!!! http... | 1 |
1504 | Hi.. Everyone.. If anyone after real online wo... | 1 |
1507 | Hey youtubers... {**}I really appreciate all ... | 1 |
1508 | Check out Melbourne shuffle, everybody! | 1 |
1510 | Part 2. Holy Mary, pray for us Holy Mother of ... | 1 |
1513 | Hello to everyone! Please check out my video: ... | 1 |
1515 | do you want to make some easy money? check out... | 1 |
1516 | everyone come and check out the new GTA 5 Game... | 1 |
1517 | see this<br /><a href="http://adf.ly">http://a... | 1 |
1518 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1519 | Hello Guys...I Found a Way to Make Money Onlin... | 1 |
1522 | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007... | 1 |
1523 | FOLLOW MY COMPANY ON TWITTER thanks. https:/... | 1 |
1524 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1525 | I make guitar covers, please have a look at my... | 1 |
1526 | I made a gaming channel (Unique right?) :L Ang... | 1 |
1527 | Check out this playlist on YouTube: | 1 |
1529 | Check out this playlist on YouTube: | 1 |
1530 | Check out this video on YouTube:<br />"Th... | 1 |
1531 | Check Out Daneja Good Girl | 1 |
1532 | follow me on instagram bigboss286 | 1 |
1534 | Also LuckyMusiqLive she probably could help u ... | 1 |
1535 | ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌... | 1 |
1542 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1543 | http://psnboss.com/?ref=2tGgp3pV6L this is the... | 1 |
1545 | Please check out and send to others Freedom an... | 1 |
1546 | eminem new song check out my videos | 1 |
1548 | Hi everyone! Do you like music? Then why not c... | 1 |
1550 | Hello everyone :) I know most of you probably ... | 1 |
1553 | http://www.gofundme.com/gvr7xg | 1 |
1556 | Perhaps you have seen the newest Miley Cyrus... | 1 |
1557 | Check out this video on YouTube:jjiwajwkajajqj... | 1 |
1562 | http://minhateca.com.br/mauro-sp2013/Filmes+Se... | 1 |
1564 | You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY w... | 1 |
1569 | Nice song .See my new track. | 1 |
1575 | Message : GTA V $20 FIFA 14 $15 PS4 $200... | 1 |
1576 | Check out this playlist on YouTube:Central | 1 |
1579 | guys please subscribe me to help my channel gr... | 1 |
1580 | check out our bands page on youtube killtheclo... | 1 |
1581 | Please help me give my son a grave. http://ww... | 1 |
1582 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1584 | http://shhort.com/a?r=HuPwEH5ab | 1 |
1586 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1588 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1589 | You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY w... | 1 |
1590 | http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop-... | 1 |
1593 | LMFAO is CRAZY DOPE!!! CHeck out my music on m... | 1 |
1596 | Please become my first subscriber. Thank you. | 1 |
1598 | check out "starlitnightsky" channel to see epi... | 1 |
1599 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1604 | even without make up she is still hot htt... | 1 |
1605 | subscribe to itz recaps and above diddle | 1 |
1608 | Im a RAPPER/SONGWRITER, check my video PLEASE.... | 1 |
1609 | You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY w... | 1 |
1610 | watch youtube video "EMINEM -YTMA artist ... | 1 |
1613 | Hello everyone :) I know most of you probably ... | 1 |
1615 | if eminem gets 1 penny per view he would have ... | 1 |
1617 | subscribe to me for call of duty vids and give... | 1 |
1620 | You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY w... | 1 |
1621 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1622 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1623 | subscribe to me and I wil subscribe to you back | 1 |
1624 | I know that maybe no one will read this but PL... | 1 |
1625 | https://www.facebook.com/pages/%D8%AA%D8%AD%D9... | 1 |
1627 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1628 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1630 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1631 | Please check out my New Song (MUSIC VIDEO) AD ... | 1 |
1632 | follow me on twitter: freyacumqueen | 1 |
1636 | subscribed :) btw you have a good style keep i... | 1 |
1637 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1639 | Subscribe if you are watching in 2015 | 1 |
1641 | The TREU DETECTIVE alternate ending! __ http:/... | 1 |
1643 | Check out this playlist on YouTube: | 1 |
1645 | Subscribe to me for clean Eminem! | 1 |
1646 | Thank you. Please give your email. | 1 |
1647 | Check out this video on YouTube:<br />Looking ... | 1 |
1649 | Thumbs up if shrek is gay 👍 | 1 |
1650 | please look up DHG SONGS this is my playlist w... | 1 |
1659 | Get free gift cards and pay pal money! | 1 |
1660 | Please help me go to college guys! Thanks from... | 1 |
1663 | please read this please! i am a country singer... | 1 |
1665 | please like : http://www.bubblews.com/news/927... | 1 |
1667 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1669 | Hey Music Fans I really appreciate any of you ... | 1 |
1672 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1677 | ♫I know someone will see this ♥ I have a dream... | 1 |
1678 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1681 | Hey Guys, I know you tend to skip these commen... | 1 |
1687 | Check out our vids, our songs are awesome! And... | 1 |
1688 | Hey guys please just spent one minute for me:)... | 1 |
1689 | Please give us a chance and check out the new ... | 1 |
1690 | #nowplaying "Weekendmix" track 04 : Katy Perry... | 1 |
1692 | You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY w... | 1 |
1693 | Check out this playlist on YouTube:<br /><br /> | 1 |
1694 | Men stop being naive idiots believing in love ... | 1 |
1695 | Check out our app to solve all your party/drun... | 1 |
1696 | How did you know that people makes another acc... | 1 |
1699 | if you want to win money at hopme click here <... | 1 |
1701 | http://www.twitch.tv/tareko100 Follow him on t... | 1 |
1703 | hi beaties! i made a new channel please go che... | 1 |
1704 | Check out my Music Videos! and PLEASE SUBSCRIB... | 1 |
1705 | Meet The Richest Online Marketer NOW CLICK : ... | 1 |
1706 | Facebook account HACK!! http://hackfbaccountl... | 1 |
1707 | Subscribe to My CHANNEL | 1 |
1708 | this song is so addicting. the hook is dope an... | 1 |
1709 | :D subscribe to me for daily vines | 1 |
1710 | Katy has the voice of gold. this video really ... | 1 |
1711 | Hey everyone, I'm Dakoda Bigelow. I'm... | 1 |
1714 | check out mah girl it duh shit yo | 1 |
1716 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1717 | look at my channel i make minecraft pe lets pl... | 1 |
1718 | Check out this playlist on YouTube: | 1 |
1719 | She loves Vena. trojmiasto.pl/Vena-Bus-Taxi-o5... | 1 |
1723 | I love katy fashions tiger, care to visit my b... | 1 |
1724 | Listen...Check out Andrew Guasch - Crazy, Sick... | 1 |
1725 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1726 | Plz help me getting 1.000 Subscribers tonight/... | 1 |
1727 | Check out this video on YouTube:opponents mm <... | 1 |
1728 | Check out this video on YouTube:it is a old tr... | 1 |
1729 | http://binbox.io/1FIRo#123 | 1 |
1730 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1732 | yo I know nobody will probably even read this.... | 1 |
1735 | CHECK OUT Eminem - Rap God LYRIC VIDEO | 1 |
1736 | check out eminem latest track survival if u didnt | 1 |
1737 | For latest movies 2014 please visit this site ... | 1 |
1738 | Please share and help to my Friend! http://www... | 1 |
1741 | j aiiima plzzz https://www.facebook.com/pages... | 1 |
1745 | Please subscribe to my channel!Thanks! | 1 |
1750 | Usually guys I would vote people like this dow... | 1 |
1751 | EVERYBODY PLEASE VOTE KATY AT EMA 2014 !!!!! ... | 1 |
1752 | You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY w... | 1 |
1755 | I really love this video.. http://www.bubblews... | 1 |
1757 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1760 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1764 | You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY w... | 1 |
1765 | i am from Brazil please subscribe my channel l... | 1 |
1769 | https://www.facebook.com/pages/Komedi-burda-ge... | 1 |
1770 | We can have a party next share | 1 |
1772 | hey guys i know you wanna skip over this but p... | 1 |
1776 | <script>document.write('<a target="_s... | 1 |
1779 | Check out my YouTube channel I can rap | 1 |
1780 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1782 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1783 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1784 | this song gives me strength! love her lyrics. ... | 1 |
1785 | You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY w... | 1 |
1786 | Check out this playlist on YouTube:hbbhhhgh | 1 |
1787 | like this comment then type 1337 | 1 |
1792 | katy perry will u sit on my face please. it wo... | 1 |
1794 | Like getting Gift cards..but hate spending the... | 1 |
1795 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1797 | we are 14 year old boys we are trying to enter... | 1 |
1798 | Hey Katycats! We are releasing a movie at midn... | 1 |
1799 | 1 753 682 421 GANGNAM STYLE ^^ | 1 |
1800 | Hey guys please check out my new Google+ page ... | 1 |
1802 | could you guys please check out my channel for... | 1 |
1804 | Yea stil the best WK song ever<br />Thumbs up ... | 1 |
1806 | Guys lmfaois going to have a reunion on June/2... | 1 |
1807 | My three bigger secrets are: I don't think I'm... | 1 |
1808 | If you could take time & spare a min to re... | 1 |
1810 | Does anyone here use gift cards like Amazon, i... | 1 |
1811 | check out my page ADAM B BEATS 2013 | 1 |
1814 | my sister just received over 6,500 new <a rel=... | 1 |
1815 | Hey! I'm NERDY PEACH and I'm a new youtuber an... | 1 |
1824 | Check out this video on YouTu | 1 |
1827 | Can you check my videos please? Don't hate me ... | 1 |
1828 | Hi everyone! Do you like music? Then why not c... | 1 |
1830 | just for test I have to say murdev.com | 1 |
1834 | Waka Waka!:D Check out my new HALLOWEEN VIDE... | 1 |
1836 | Hey Music Fans I really appreciate any of you ... | 1 |
1837 | Subscribe me and i subscribe you back!! | 1 |
1838 | adf.ly /KlD3Y | 1 |
1842 | Look at the pictures, if not difficult http://... | 1 |
1843 | Check my first video out | 1 |
1845 | Please friend read my book and repass: http://... | 1 |
1847 | hi guys please check out my vids , i will prom... | 1 |
1850 | subscribe to my channel people :D | 1 |
1851 | check out my playlist | 1 |
1852 | do you want to make some easy money? check out... | 1 |
1855 | Hi. Check out and share our songs. | 1 |
1861 | Hey guys love this but check out this girl nam... | 1 |
1862 | please visit my channel | 1 |
1863 | Hey youtubers... I really appreciate all of yo... | 1 |
1866 | Check out my channel for some lyricism..... | 1 |
1867 | like this comment please | 1 |
1868 | Gusttavo Lima Você não me conhece <br />Check ... | 1 |
1870 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1871 | Hi everyone! Do you like music? Then why not c... | 1 |
1872 | Incmedia.org where the truth meets you. | 1 |
1874 | I hope everyone is in good spirits I'm a h... | 1 |
1878 | https://soundcloud.com/artady please check my ... | 1 |
1879 | If I get 300 subscribers by tomorrow I'll do a... | 1 |
1880 | YouTube/codytolleson for awesome videos I'll s... | 1 |
1883 | Hi there, have you heard about DribbleProShot?... | 1 |
1886 | Recommend: Apple iPad 4th Gen 32GB Unlocked W... | 1 |
1887 | get GWAR to play 2015 superbowl http://www.ch... | 1 |
1889 | Please check out my vidios guys | 1 |
1890 | help me click on the subscribe Mai Nguyen, tha... | 1 |
1891 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1892 | everyone please come check our newest song in ... | 1 |
1894 | /watch?v=Dtqcftr1Fac JUSTIEN BIEBER CAR 2013. ... | 1 |
1896 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1898 | O peoples of the earth, I have seen how you pe... | 1 |
1899 | WOW muslims are really egoistic..... 23% of th... | 1 |
1900 | WAYS TO MAKE MONEY 50k Per Month Search google... | 1 |
1902 | Hi everyone. We are a duo and we are starting ... | 1 |
1903 | Check out my dubstep song "Fireball", made wit... | 1 |
1905 | Check out my covers I have a video coming out ... | 1 |
1906 | Check out this playlist on YouTube:<br /><br /> | 1 |
1909 | People, here is a new network like FB...you re... | 1 |
1910 | Wats Good Go Check Out My Music On Da Channel ... | 1 |
1912 | Thumbs up if your watching in 2015 | 1 |
1913 | You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY w... | 1 |
1921 | Northland Paranormal Society is now on YouTube... | 1 |
1923 | I really love watching football and also I’ve ... | 1 |
1926 | Check out this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1928 | Could Spanish people understand this?<br /><br... | 1 |
1929 | Help shakira's waka waka be the first song... | 1 |
1930 | Hello I'am from Palastine | 1 |
1934 | Take a look at this video on YouTube: | 1 |
1940 | You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY w... | 1 |
1941 | Check Out The New Hot Video By Dante B Called ... | 1 |
1946 | Check out this video on YouTube:<br /><br />Em... | 1 |
1949 | Can anyone sub to my channel? :D | 1 |
1950 | Lol check out my chanell and subscribe please ... | 1 |
1953 | Hey guys. I am a very small YouTuber I upload ... | 1 |
1955 | Hi Guys! check this awesome EDM & House mi... | 1 |
def your_labeling_rules(x):
# Convert text to lowercase
x = x.lower()
# Define your rules for classifying as NOT_SPAM
not_spam_rules = [
"view" in x,
"song" in x,
len(x) < 30
# Define your rules for classifying as SPAM
spam_rules = [
"free" in x,
"subs" in x,
"gift" in x,
"follow" in x,
"http" in x,
"check out" in x
# Classify depending on your rules
if any(not_spam_rules):
return 0
if any(spam_rules):
return 1
return -1
label_given_rules(X_train, your_labeling_rules, "your-iteration")
except ValueError:
print("You have not defined any rules.")
Proportion of data points kept: 78.26% your-iteration labeling has an accuracy of 86.22%
Congratulations on finishing this ungraded lab!
By now you should have a better understanding of having good labelled data. In general, the better your labels are, the better your models will be. Also it is important to realize that the process of correctly labeling data is a very complex one. Remember, you can think of each one of the iterations of the automatic labeling process to be a different labeler with different criteria for labeling. If you assume you are hiring labelers you will want to hire the latter for sure!
Another important point to keep in mind is that establishing baselines to compare against is really important as they provide perspective on how well your data and models are performing.
Keep it up!